关于FastAPI FastAPI 是一个现代、快速(高性能)的 Python Web 框架,用于构建基于标准 Python 类型提示的 API。它以简洁、直观和高效的方式提供工具,特别适合开发现代 web 服务和后端应用程序。 问题:_pad() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘padding_side’ 解决:降级 transformers,pip install transformers==4.34.0
,同时更改相关包版本以实现适配,pip install accelerate==0.25.0
,pip install huggingface_hub==0.16.4
问题:报错500 服务器防火墙问题,只能在指定端口访问 post请求的参数通过request body
传递,需要以 application/json
的方式 ,请求body
体 以postman测试为例:Body
代码实现 fastapi_demo.py(运行开启服务) post.py(服务测试)
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, GenerationConfig
import uvicorn
import json
import datetime
import torch
import loggingprint ( f"CUDA 是否可用: { torch. cuda. is_available( ) } " )
print ( f"当前 CUDA 版本: { torch. version. cuda} " )
print ( f"当前可用 CUDA 设备数量: { torch. cuda. device_count( ) } " )
DEVICE = "cuda"
def torch_gc ( ) : if torch. cuda. is_available( ) : with torch. cuda. device( CUDA_DEVICE) : torch. cuda. empty_cache( ) torch. cuda. ipc_collect( )
def bulid_input ( prompt, history= [ ] , system_message= None ) : system_format = 'system\n\n{content}\n' user_format = 'user\n\n{content}\n' assistant_format = 'assistant\n\n{content}\n' prompt_str = '' if system_message: prompt_str += system_format. format ( content= system_message) for item in history: if item[ 'role' ] == 'user' : prompt_str += user_format. format ( content= item[ 'content' ] ) else : prompt_str += assistant_format. format ( content= item[ 'content' ] ) prompt_str += user_format. format ( content= prompt) return prompt_str
app = FastAPI( )
@app. get ( "/" )
async def read_root ( ) : return { "message" : "Welcome to the API. Please use POST method to interact with the model." } @app. get ( '/favicon.ico' )
async def favicon ( ) : return { 'status' : 'ok' }
@app. post ( "/" )
async def create_item ( request: Request) : try : json_post_raw = await request. json( ) json_post = json. dumps( json_post_raw) json_post_list = json. loads( json_post) prompt = json_post_list. get( 'prompt' ) if not prompt: raise HTTPException( status_code= 400 , detail= "提示词不能为空" ) history = json_post_list. get( 'history' , [ ] ) system_message = json_post_list. get( 'system_message' ) logging. info( f"收到请求: prompt= { prompt} , history= { history} , system_message= { system_message} " ) input_str = bulid_input( prompt= prompt, history= history, system_message= system_message) try : input_ids = process_input( input_str) . to( CUDA_DEVICE) except Exception as e: logging. error( f"Tokenizer 错误: { str ( e) } " ) raise HTTPException( status_code= 500 , detail= f"Tokenizer 处理失败: { str ( e) } " ) try : generated_ids = model. generate( input_ids= input_ids, max_new_tokens= 1024 , do_sample= True , top_p= 0.5 , temperature= 0.95 , repetition_penalty= 1.1 ) except Exception as e: logging. error( f"模型生成错误: { str ( e) } " ) raise HTTPException( status_code= 500 , detail= f"模型生成失败: { str ( e) } " ) outputs = generated_ids. tolist( ) [ 0 ] [ len ( input_ids[ 0 ] ) : ] response = tokenizer. decode( outputs) response = response. strip( ) . replace( 'assistant\n\n' , '' ) . strip( ) now = datetime. datetime. now( ) time = now. strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) answer = { "response" : response, "status" : 200 , "time" : time} log = "[" + time + "] " + '", prompt:"' + prompt + '", response:"' + repr ( response) + '"' print ( log) torch_gc( ) return answer except json. JSONDecodeError: raise HTTPException( status_code= 400 , detail= "无效的 JSON 格式" ) except Exception as e: logging. error( f"处理请求时发生错误: { str ( e) } " ) raise HTTPException( status_code= 500 , detail= str ( e) )
if __name__ == '__main__' : gpu_count = torch. cuda. device_count( ) if int ( DEVICE_ID) >= gpu_count: raise ValueError( f"指定的DEVICE_ID ( { DEVICE_ID} ) 无效。系统只有 { gpu_count} 个GPU设备(0- { gpu_count- 1 } )" ) torch. cuda. set_device( int ( DEVICE_ID) ) model_name_or_path = '/data/user23262833/MemoryStrategy/ChatGLM-Finetuning/chatglm3-6b(需要填写你的模型位置所在路径)' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. from_pretrained( model_name_or_path, use_fast= False , trust_remote_code= True , padding_side= 'left' ) def process_input ( text) : inputs = tokenizer. encode( text, return_tensors= 'pt' ) return inputs if torch. is_tensor( inputs) else torch. tensor( [ inputs] ) model = AutoModelForCausalLM. from_pretrained( model_name_or_path, device_map= { "" : int ( DEVICE_ID) } , torch_dtype= torch. float16) uvicorn. run( app, host= '需填写你的本地或者服务器ip' , port= 6006 , workers= 1 )
import requests
import jsondef get_completion ( prompt) : try : headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' } data = { "prompt" : prompt} response = requests. post( url= '需填写你的本地或者服务器ip:6006' , headers= headers, data= json. dumps( data) ) response. raise_for_status( ) print ( "Response content:" , response. text) return response. json( ) [ 'response' ] except requests. exceptions. RequestException as e: print ( f"请求错误: { e} " ) return None except json. JSONDecodeError as e: print ( f"JSON解析错误: { e} " ) return None except KeyError as e: print ( f"响应中缺少 'response' 键: { e} " ) return None
response = get_completion( '你好' )
if response is not None : print ( response)
测试结果 参考博文:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34717531/article/details/142092636?spm=1001.2101.3001.6661.1&utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant_t0.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EOPENSEARCH%7EPaidSort-1-142092636-blog-139909949.235%5Ev43%5Epc_blog_bottom_relevance_base5&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant_t0.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EOPENSEARCH%7EPaidSort-1-142092636-blog-139909949.235%5Ev43%5Epc_blog_bottom_relevance_base5&utm_relevant_index=1