t =int(input())
a =[]for _ inrange(t):s =input().split()if s[0]=='insert':x, y =int(s[1]),int(s[2])if x in a:a.insert(a.index(x), y)else:a.append(y)elif s[0]=='delete':x =int(s[1])if x in a:a.remove(x)print(' '.join(map(str, a))if a else'NULL')
是一种软件开发中的解决方案,设计原则。目的是使代码具有扩展性,可维护性,可读性,如: 单例模式(Singleton Pattern) Spring IoC 容器默认会将 Bean 创建为单例,保证一个类…
SpringBoot测试报错:Unable to find a SpringBootConfiguration, you need to use Context 该测试类所在测试包test下的包名和类路径java下的包名不一致导致的 引发以下报错 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find a SpringBootConfiguration, you need…
1 文章信息 文章题为“A Learning Based Intelligent Train RegulationMethod With Dynamic Prediction forthe Metro Passenger Flow”,该文于2023年发表至“IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS”。文章的核心观点是提出了一种基于学习的智…