
10.2 Operations

10.2.1 Product certification maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to product certification services, subject to legal requirements ruling at the time.

It shall also ensure that such service providers are duly accredited and authorized to provide this service and that they comply with the requirements of this document and any other relevant COP or specification.


10.2.2 DSN maintenance

The payment meter manufacturer is in complete control of his allocated range of DSN values (within his allocated MfrCode domain) and it thus requires no further maintenance.


10.2.3 RO maintenance

The utility shall manage the operational use of this data element in conjunction with the STS BaseDate.

        公用事业公司应结合STS BaseDate管理该数据元素的操作使用。

10.2.4 TI maintenance

The utility shall manage the operational use of this element.


10.2.5 TID maintenance

The utility shall manage the operational use of this data element by means of appropriate programming of the token vending or POS systems.


10.2.6 SpecialReservedTokenIdentifier maintenance

The utility shall manage the operational use of this data element by means of appropriate programming of the token vending or POS systems.


10.2.7 MfrCode maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall provide the service of allocating MfrCode values to payment meter manufacturers and making the list of allocated MfrCode values available to users of the STS upon request.


10.2.8 Substitution tables maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall provide the service of making the actual values for Table 44 and Table 52 available to users of the STS upon request.


10.2.9 Permutation tables maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall provide the service of making the actual values for Table 45 and Table 51 available to users of the STS upon request.


10.2.10 SGC maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to SGC allocation services to users of the STS and that SGC values are globally unique. Such services are typically provided by a KMC.


10.2.11 VendingKey maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to VendingKey allocation services to users of the STS, that VendingKey values are globally unique and that VendingKey values are made available between KMC service providers. Such services are typically provided by a KMC.

The STS Association shall also ensure the compliance of such service providers to the requirements and recommendations given in this document and any other relevant COP or specification.


10.2.12 KRN maintenance

This element is intrinsically coupled to the VendingKey and is managed by the KMC service provider, subject to the same conditions as for VendingKey maintenance.







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