
13.7.3 Sub-classification of the Metering functions计量功能的子分级

The Metering function primarily deals with the measurement of the quantity of delivered electrical energy to the consumer. These measurements are made available for use by other functions in the payment meter.


The main attributes of Metering functions are given in Table 19 below.

13.7.4 Sub-classification of the Delivery functions交付功能的子分级

The Delivery function primarily deals with the functions related to the delivery of electrical energy to the consumer’s load circuit. It also monitors the status of the attributes of other functions, in response to which it interrupts or restores the supply to the consumer’s load.

Table 20 – Sub-classification of the Delivery functions 交付功能的子分级

Load_Interface 负荷接口
Delivery functions that enable the consumer’s load circuit to be connected to the payment meter. Examples are: Directly wired connection to load-side terminals of the payment meter, an integral socket outlet built into the payment meter into which the consumer directly plugs his load, connection to the load-side terminals of an external load switch (single- or poly-phase) controlled by a low-current relay in the payment meter.
Detection 检测
Delivery functions that monitor and detect changes in the state of theattributes of other functions, in response to which it will interrupt or restore the load.
For example: detection of: overvoltage, undervoltage, voltage dip s, voltage interruptions, power limit, voltage reverse polarity, reverse energy, phase unbalance, expiry of available credit, replenishment of available credit
Load_Interruption 负荷中断
Delivery functions that deal with the interruption of the supply to the load in accordance with a
defined set of rules that are linked to the detection functions.
For example: Interrupt on detection of undervoltage, interrupt on detection of available credit expiry and interrupt on detection of power limit.
Load_Restoration 负荷恢复
Delivery functions that deal with the restoration of the supply to the load in accordance with a
defined set of rules that are linked to the detection functions.
A particular load switch could possibly have both automatic and manual restoration functions, where automatic restoration is programmed to apply only to selective Detection functions and others to manual restoration. For example: Automatic restoration when undervoltage conditions return to normal, but manual restoration after interruption due to power limit detection.
These functions are further sub-classified into Automatic_Restoration and Manual_Restoration functions
Automatic_Restoration 自动恢复
Delivery functions that deal with the automatic restoration of the supply to the load, where the presence and intervention of a user is not required.
Example: After recovery from an undervoltage condition.
Manual_Restoration 手动恢复
Delivery functions that deal with the manual restoration of the supply to the load, where the presence and intervention of a user is required.
Examples are: Replenishing available credit by means of a physical token carrier, entering of a code on the user interface, pushing of a key or a button or operating a lever on the user interface
Safety_Protection 安全保护
These functions are outside of the scope of this technical report.
These functions are further sub-classified into Over_Current, Earth_Leakage and Mains_Isolation functions.
Over_Current 过流
These functions are outside of the scope of this technical report
Earth_Leakage These functions are outside of the scope of this technical report,Mains_Isolation These functions are outside of the scope of this technical report.
NOTE 1 A payment meter may implement any one or more combinations of these functions.
NOTE 2 The Safety_Protection functions are mentioned here for completeness, but are excluded from the scope of this technical report. These functions are the subjects of other relevant specifications.

The main attributes of the Delivery functions are given in Table 21 below
        表 21 中给出了交付功能的主要属性
Table 21 – Main attributes of the Delivery functions 交付功能的主要属性

Service_ Type 服务类型
Determines which service type is being delivered (electricity, water, gas,heat, time)
Constraints 限制
A set of rules that place constraints on the behaviour of Delivery functions.
Constraints are either time-based or consumption-based.
Examples are:At certain times of the day or night the load switch may not interrupt the load during winter season, or over weekends, or on public holidays.
Conversely the supplier may contract with the customer that the supply will be interrupted during certain times of the day irrespective of whether there is available credit.
Upon expiry of credit, then limit the load current to a 5 A lifeline supply, but only if the monthly average consumption is below 200 kWh, based on the average for the previous 6 months. In this case, the load switch may interrupt above 5 A, and automatically restore below 5 A load current
        信用期满,限制负荷电流为 5A,但如果每月平均耗电低于 200 kWh,基于前 6 个月的平均值。在这种情况下,负荷开关可能在高于 5A 时断电,负荷电流低于 5A 时自动恢复。






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