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特别适用于国庆主题的各种活动场景,全面集成方案 | 中文定制海报:超清画质输出+精准文字布局+个性化手写艺术字体设计流程










National Day,happy birthday,75th anniversary,Forbidden City architecture,Great Wall,greenery,gradient,fireworks,golden architecture,red architecture,commercial posters,giant brush,ancient painting,poetic and picturesque,prosperous chapter,magnificent mountains and rivers,landscape painting,Chinese brush,blank space,red sun,orange red color tone,aesthetics,realism,ultra high definition,aesthetic art,

colorshow, One poster, with the word “75” written in red in the background, is large and bold, with an astronaut floating in the foreground. The astronaut wore a white spacesuit and helmet, surrounded by a starry night sky. It gives a mysterious and charming feeling. , lora:02246a20-14:0.7




the numbers “7” and “5” are draw with gold lines,“7” are buildings of the Forbidden City,((the Temple of Heaven)),and the Great Wall (Castle Peak),while “5” is a modern Chinese landmark building,the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower by balloons,and a group of lanterns,the edges of the surrounded numbers,(((the background is Wang Ximeng’s thousands of miles of drivers and mountains))),(a festive atmosphere),((dark red background)),

the numbers “7” and “5” are draw with gold lines,“7” are buildings of the Forbidden City((the Temple of Heaven)),and the Great Wall (Castle Peak),while “5” is a modern Chinese landmark building,the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower by balloons,and a group of lanterns,the edges of the surrounded numbers(((the background is Wang Ximeng’s thousands of miles of drivers and mountains))),(a festive atmosphere),((dark red background)),

A poster with the words “I LOVE CHINA” written on it, with a red and gold gradient background, a minimalist Chinese architectural design, fireworks effect, vector illustration style, flat composition, symmetrical layout, minimalist lines, high saturation, clear details, and auspicious clouds

The dynamic and abstract expression of the number “75” is a collage of Chinese scenery and urban skyline. The flowing red silk symbolizes the ancient Silk Road. The title is located at the top, displaying ‘75th Anniversary’ in bold and modern font. The subtitle is as follows: “Crossing Time and Space”. The fusion of ancient architecture and modern symbols, such as high-speed trains and skyscrapers, a giant panda wearing a spacesuit holding a torch, representing the balance between nature and progress, a dragon shaped fireworks track gradually transitioning to various colored sunsets, representing the passage of time and the persistence of the country. The yellow star pattern cleverly repeats itself in the background, like a constellation, representing unity and leadership, with red and gold as the main colors. The screen is full of dynamism and impact, with a glossy feel,

A vibrant representation of the number “75,” crafted from a collage of classical Chinese governmental buildings and modern city skylines,with a background filled with colorful fireworks symbolizing celebration,the title at the top reads “Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” in modern artistic font,with the subtitle “Glorious Moments” at the bottom,visual elements: a blend of traditional red lanterns and modern light shows,showcasing a festive atmosphere,with the left side of the image depicting tranquil traditional landscapes and the right side a bustling urban night scene,creating a stark contrast,







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