

今天我们来详细研究下 workqueue 相关代码。client-go 的 util/workqueue 包里主要有三个队列,分别是普通队列,延时队列,限速队列,后一个队列以前一个队列的实现为基础,层层添加新功能,我们按照 Queue、DelayingQueue、RateLimitingQueue 的顺序层层拨开来看限速队列是如何实现的。




type TypedInterface[T comparable] interface {Add(item T)Len() intGet() (item T, shutdown bool)Done(item T)ShutDown()ShutDownWithDrain()ShuttingDown() bool


type Typed[t comparable] struct {// queue defines the order in which we will work on items. Every// element of queue should be in the dirty set and not in the// processing set.// 定义元素的处理顺序,里面所有元素都应该在 dirty set 中有,而不能出现在 processing set 中queue Queue[t]// dirty defines all of the items that need to be processed.// 标记所有需要被处理的元素dirty set[t]// Things that are currently being processed are in the processing set.// These things may be simultaneously in the dirty set. When we finish// processing something and remove it from this set, we'll check if// it's in the dirty set, and if so, add it to the queue.// 存放正在被处理的元素,可能同时存在于dirty set。 当我们完成处理后,会将其删除,我们会看看他是否在 dirty set 中,如果在,添加到 queue中processing set[t]// 条件变量,在多个goroutines等待、1个goroutine通知事件发生时使用cond *sync.CondshuttingDown booldrain        boolmetrics queueMetricsunfinishedWorkUpdatePeriod time.Durationclock                      clock.WithTicker
}// queue is a slice which implements Queue.
type queue[T comparable] []T


// Add marks item as needing processing.
// 将元素标记成需要处理
func (q *Typed[T]) Add(item T) {q.cond.L.Lock()defer q.cond.L.Unlock()// 队列正关闭,则直接返回if q.shuttingDown {return}// 已经标记为 dirty 的数据,也直接返回,因为存储在了脏数据的集合中if q.dirty.has(item) {// the same item is added again before it is processed, call the Touch// function if the queue cares about it (for e.g, reset its priority)// 相同的元素又被添加进来了,如果queue 关心他,调用 touch,这里需要自己去实现 queue的 touch方法,自带的不会处理if !q.processing.has(item) {q.queue.Touch(item)}return}q.metrics.add(item)// 添加到脏数据集合中q.dirty.insert(item)// 元素如果正在被处理,那就直接返回if q.processing.has(item) {return}// 追加到元素数组的尾部q.queue.Push(item)// 通知有新元素到了,此时有协程阻塞就会被唤醒q.cond.Signal()


为啥在添加数据的同时要添加到 dirty 脏数据集合中呢,存储在 queue 中不就可以了么?

  • 为了让 queue 中不存在重复的 items,所以加了一个 dirty set,毕竟判断 map 中是否存在某个 key 比判断 slice 中是否存在某个 item 要快得多。
  • 队列中曾经存储过该元素,但是已经被拿走还没有调用 Done() 方法时,也就是正在处理中的元素,此时再添加当前的元素应该是最新的,处理中的应该是过时的,也就是脏的。


Get() 方法尝试从 queue 中获取第一个 item,同时将其加入到 processing set 中,并且从 dirty set中删除。

 func (q *Type) Get() (item interface{}, shutdown bool) {q.cond.L.Lock()defer q.cond.L.Unlock()// 如果当前队列中没有数据,并且没有要关闭的状态则阻塞协程for len(q.queue) == 0 && !q.shuttingDown {q.cond.Wait()}// 协程被激活但还没有数据,说明队列被关闭了if len(q.queue) == 0 {// We must be shutting down.return nil, true}// 从队列中弹出第一个元素item = q.queue[0]// The underlying array still exists and reference this object, so the object will not be garbage collected.q.queue[0] = nilq.queue = q.queue[1:]q.metrics.get(item)// 加入到处理队列中q.processing.insert(item)// 同时从dirty集合(需要处理的元素集合)中移除q.dirty.delete(item)return item, false


Done() 方法用来标记一个 item 被处理完成了。调用 Done() 方法的时候,这个 item 被从 processing set 中删除。

 func (q *Type) Done(item interface{}) {q.cond.L.Lock()defer q.cond.L.Unlock()q.metrics.done(item)// 从正在处理的集合中删除元素q.processing.delete(item)// 此处判断脏数据集合,如果在处理期间又被添加回去了,则又放到队列中重新处理。if q.dirty.has(item) {q.queue = append(q.queue, item)q.cond.Signal()} else if q.processing.len() == 0 {q.cond.Signal()}


// TypedDelayingInterface is an Interface that can Add an item at a later time. This makes it easier to
// requeue items after failures without ending up in a hot-loop.
// DelayingInterface 是一个可以在一个时间后添加一个元素的 Interface。这使得在失败后重新排列元素更容易而不会在热循环中结束。
type TypedDelayingInterface[T comparable] interface {TypedInterface[T]// AddAfter adds an item to the workqueue after the indicated duration has passedAddAfter(item T, duration time.Duration)


// delayingType wraps an Interface and provides delayed re-enquing
type delayingType[T comparable] struct {TypedInterface[T]// clock tracks time for delayed firingclock clock.Clock// stopCh lets us signal a shutdown to the waiting loopstopCh chan struct{}// stopOnce guarantees we only signal shutdown a single timestopOnce sync.Once// heartbeat ensures we wait no more than maxWait before firingheartbeat clock.Ticker// waitingForAddCh is a buffered channel that feeds waitingForAdd// 所有延迟添加的元素封装成 waitFor 放到缓冲队列中waitingForAddCh chan *waitFor// metrics counts the number of retriesmetrics retryMetrics
// waitFor holds the data to add and the time it should be added
type waitFor struct {data    treadyAt time.Time// index in the priority queue (heap)index int

在这个基础上还定义了一个 waitForPriorityQueue,用来实现 waitFor 元素的优先级队列,把需要延迟的元素形成了一个队列,按照元素的延时添加的时间(readyAt)从小到大排序。

这里我们只需要知道 waitForPriorityQueue 是一个有序的 slice,排序方式是按照时间从小到大排序的,根据 heap.Interface 的定义,我们需要实现 LenLessSwapPushPop 这几个方法:

// waitForPriorityQueue implements a priority queue for waitFor items.
// waitForPriorityQueue implements heap.Interface. The item occurring next in
// time (i.e., the item with the smallest readyAt) is at the root (index 0).
// Peek returns this minimum item at index 0. Pop returns the minimum item after
// it has been removed from the queue and placed at index Len()-1 by
// container/heap. Push adds an item at index Len(), and container/heap
// percolates it into the correct location.
type waitForPriorityQueue []*waitForfunc (pq waitForPriorityQueue) Len() int {return len(pq)
func (pq waitForPriorityQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {return pq[i].readyAt.Before(pq[j].readyAt)
func (pq waitForPriorityQueue) Swap(i, j int) {pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i]pq[i].index = ipq[j].index = j
}// Push adds an item to the queue. Push should not be called directly; instead,
// use `heap.Push`.
func (pq *waitForPriorityQueue) Push(x interface{}) {n := len(*pq)item := x.(*waitFor)item.index = n*pq = append(*pq, item)
}// Pop removes an item from the queue. Pop should not be called directly;
// instead, use `heap.Pop`.
func (pq *waitForPriorityQueue) Pop() interface{} {n := len(*pq)item := (*pq)[n-1]item.index = -1*pq = (*pq)[0:(n - 1)]return item

因为延时队列利用 waitForPriorityQueue 队列管理所有延时添加的元素,所有的元素在 waitForPriorityQueue 中按照时间从效到大排序,这样延时队列的处理就会方便很多了。


// AddAfter adds the given item to the work queue after the given delay
func (q *delayingType[T]) AddAfter(item T, duration time.Duration) {// don't add if we're already shutting downif q.ShuttingDown() {return}q.metrics.retry()// immediately add things with no delayif duration <= 0 {q.Add(item)return}select {case <-q.stopCh:// unblock if ShutDown() is calledcase q.waitingForAddCh <- &waitFor{data: item, readyAt: q.clock.Now().Add(duration)}:}

AddAfter() 就是简单把元素送到 channel 中,所以核心实现是从 channel 中获取数据的部分,如下所示:

// waitingLoop runs until the workqueue is shutdown and keeps a check on the list of items to be added.
func (q *delayingType[T]) waitingLoop() {defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()// Make a placeholder channel to use when there are no items in our listnever := make(<-chan time.Time)// Make a timer that expires when the item at the head of the waiting queue is readyvar nextReadyAtTimer clock.Timer// 初始化上面的有序队列waitingForQueue := &waitForPriorityQueue{}heap.Init(waitingForQueue)// 这个map用来避免重复添加,如果重复添加则只更新时间即可waitingEntryByData := map[t]*waitFor{}for {// 队列关闭了则直接返回if q.TypedInterface.ShuttingDown() {return}now := q.clock.Now()// Add ready entries// 判断有序队列中是否有元素for waitingForQueue.Len() > 0 {// 获得有序队列中的第一个元素entry := waitingForQueue.Peek().(*waitFor)// 元素指定的时间是否过了?没有的话就跳出循环if entry.readyAt.After(now) {break}// 如果时间已经过了,那就从有序队列中拿出来放入通用队列中entry = heap.Pop(waitingForQueue).(*waitFor)q.Add(entry.data.(T))delete(waitingEntryByData, entry.data)}// Set up a wait for the first item's readyAt (if one exists)nextReadyAt := never// 如果有序队列中有元素,那就用第一个元素指定的时间减去当前时间作为等待时间if waitingForQueue.Len() > 0 {if nextReadyAtTimer != nil {nextReadyAtTimer.Stop()}entry := waitingForQueue.Peek().(*waitFor)nextReadyAtTimer = q.clock.NewTimer(entry.readyAt.Sub(now))nextReadyAt = nextReadyAtTimer.C()}// 进入各种等待select {case <-q.stopCh:returncase <-q.heartbeat.C():// continue the loop, which will add ready items// 这个就是有序队列里面需要等待时间的信号,时间到就会有信号case <-nextReadyAt:// continue the loop, which will add ready items// 这里是从channel中获取元素,AddAfter()放入到channel中的元素case waitEntry := <-q.waitingForAddCh:// 时间没有过就插入到有序队列中if waitEntry.readyAt.After(q.clock.Now()) {insert(waitingForQueue, waitingEntryByData, waitEntry)} else {// 如果时间已经过了就直接放入通用队列q.Add(waitEntry.data.(T))}drained := falsefor !drained {select {case waitEntry := <-q.waitingForAddCh:if waitEntry.readyAt.After(q.clock.Now()) {insert(waitingForQueue, waitingEntryByData, waitEntry)} else {q.Add(waitEntry.data.(T))}default:drained = true}}}}



type TypedRateLimiter[T comparable] interface {// When gets an item and gets to decide how long that item should wait// 获取item元素应该等待多长时间When(item T) time.Duration// Forget indicates that an item is finished being retried.  Doesn't matter whether it's for failing// or for success, we'll stop tracking it// 表示元素已经完成了重试,不管是成功还是失败都会停止跟踪,也就是抛弃该元素Forget(item T)// NumRequeues returns back how many failures the item has had// 返回元素失败的次数(也就是放入队列的次数)NumRequeues(item T) int

1.TypedBucketRateLimiter限速器是利用 golang.org/x/time/rate 包中的 Limiter 来实现稳定速率(qps)的限速器,对应的结构体如下所示:

// TypedBucketRateLimiter adapts a standard bucket to the workqueue ratelimiter API
type TypedBucketRateLimiter[T comparable] struct {*rate.Limiter
func (r *TypedBucketRateLimiter[T]) When(item T) time.Duration {return r.Limiter.Reserve().Delay()
}func (r *TypedBucketRateLimiter[T]) NumRequeues(item T) int {return 0
}func (r *TypedBucketRateLimiter[T]) Forget(item T) {


2.TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter 是比较常用的限速器,他会根据元素错误次数逐渐累加等待时间,定义如下所示:

// TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter does a simple baseDelay*2^<num-failures> limit
// dealing with max failures and expiration are up to the caller
type TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter[T comparable] struct {failuresLock sync.Mutexfailures     map[T]intbaseDelay time.DurationmaxDelay  time.Duration
}func (r *TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter[T]) When(item T) time.Duration {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()exp := r.failures[item]r.failures[item] = r.failures[item] + 1// The backoff is capped such that 'calculated' value never overflows.backoff := float64(r.baseDelay.Nanoseconds()) * math.Pow(2, float64(exp))if backoff > math.MaxInt64 {return r.maxDelay}calculated := time.Duration(backoff)if calculated > r.maxDelay {return r.maxDelay}return calculated
}func (r *TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter[T]) NumRequeues(item T) int {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()return r.failures[item]
}func (r *TypedItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter[T]) Forget(item T) {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()delete(r.failures, item)


3.TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter 和上面的指数级限速器很像,都是用于错误尝试的,但是二者的限速策略不同,ItemFastSlowRateLimiter 是尝试次数超过阈值后用长延迟,否则用短延迟,具体的实现如下所示:

// TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter does a quick retry for a certain number of attempts, then a slow retry after that
type TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter[T comparable] struct {failuresLock sync.Mutexfailures     map[T]intmaxFastAttempts intfastDelay       time.DurationslowDelay       time.Duration
}func (r *TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter[T]) When(item T) time.Duration {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()r.failures[item] = r.failures[item] + 1if r.failures[item] <= r.maxFastAttempts {return r.fastDelay}return r.slowDelay
}func (r *TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter[T]) NumRequeues(item T) int {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()return r.failures[item]
}func (r *TypedItemFastSlowRateLimiter[T]) Forget(item T) {r.failuresLock.Lock()defer r.failuresLock.Unlock()delete(r.failures, item)



4.TypedMaxOfRateLimiter 限速器内部是一个限速器 slice,每次返回所有限速器里面延迟最大的一个限速器,具体的实现如下所示:

// TypedMaxOfRateLimiter calls every RateLimiter and returns the worst case response
// When used with a token bucket limiter, the burst could be apparently exceeded in cases where particular items
// were separately delayed a longer time.
type TypedMaxOfRateLimiter[T comparable] struct {limiters []TypedRateLimiter[T]
}// client-go/util/workqueue/default_rate_limiters.go
func (r *MaxOfRateLimiter) When(item interface{}) time.Duration {ret := time.Duration(0)// 获取所有限速器里面时间最大的for _, limiter := range r.limiters {curr := limiter.When(item)if curr > ret {ret = curr}}return ret
}func (r *MaxOfRateLimiter) NumRequeues(item interface{}) int {ret := 0// 同样获取所有限速器里面最大的 Requeue 次数for _, limiter := range r.limiters {curr := limiter.NumRequeues(item)if curr > ret {ret = curr}}return ret
}func (r *MaxOfRateLimiter) Forget(item interface{}) {// 调用所有的限速器的 Forget 方法for _, limiter := range r.limiters {limiter.Forget(item)}


// TypedWithMaxWaitRateLimiter have maxDelay which avoids waiting too long
type TypedWithMaxWaitRateLimiter[T comparable] struct {limiter  TypedRateLimiter[T]maxDelay time.Duration
}func (w TypedWithMaxWaitRateLimiter[T]) When(item T) time.Duration {
	delay := w.limiter.When(item)if delay > w.maxDelay {return w.maxDelay}return delay
}func (w TypedWithMaxWaitRateLimiter[T]) Forget(item T) {w.limiter.Forget(item)
}func (w TypedWithMaxWaitRateLimiter[T]) NumRequeues(item T) int {return w.limiter.NumRequeues(item)




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