
9.23 ver1


  1. 从剪贴板获取需要数学公式化的文本
  2. 使用分隔符“$”将该文本分割为若干部分,存储为一个数组
  3. 对数组的元素循环:第偶数个就直接粘贴到trilium里面,第奇数个则用ver0的工作流程插入到公式环境里面。(这里有个小问题,就是可能文件一开始就是公式,但是我们事实上可以先给他前面插一个无意义字符,后面再删掉,保证公式一定是奇数个;总之这个细节我们先不管)


-- Part 1: get the text from clipboard
set paragraphText to the clipboard
tell application "Trilium Notes"activate
end tell-- Part 2: delimiter paragraphText to oldDelimiters
set delimiter to "$"-- Set the text item delimiters to the delimiter
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter-- Split the paragraphText into pieces
set shellPieces to text items of paragraphText-- Restore the original text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters-- Part 3 insert ino trilium
-- Loop through the paragraph pieces
set i to 0
repeat with piece in shellPieces-- even or oddif i is equal to 1 thentell application "System Events"keystroke "m" using command downdelay 0.1keystroke piecedelay 0.1keystroke returndelay 0.1end tellset i to 0elsetell application "System Events"keystroke piecedelay 0.1end tellset i to 1end if
end repeat

实际使用的时候这个程序会出一些小bug,最明显的是,apple的keystroke似乎有点bug,第一个输入是反序的,比如keystroke “text”会输出“txet”,所以我们这里让keystroke一开始直接输入一个空格来避免这个情况。同时,每次keystroke之间应该delay一会,等待系统反应过来,即在输出之前增加一段:

tell application "System Events"keystroke " "delay 0.1
end tell


set paragraphText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the text you want to input in trilium with automated math formula transformation:" default answer "")





-- Part 1: get the text from clipboard
set orgnparagraphText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the text you want to input in trilium with automated math formula transformation; remember to change the keyboard into English:" default answer "")
set paragraphText to " " & orgnparagraphText
tell application "Trilium Notes"activate
end tell-- Part 2: delimiter paragraphText to oldDelimiters
set delimiter to "$"-- Set the text item delimiters to the delimiter
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter-- Split the paragraphText into pieces
set shellPieces to text items of paragraphText-- Restore the original text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters-- Part 3 insert ino trilium
-- Loop through the paragraph pieces
set i to 0
set j to 0
-- 这里插入一段是因为apple的keystroke似乎有点bug,第一个输入是反序的,所以我们这里输入一个空格来避免这个情况。同时,每次keystroke之间应该delay一会,等待系统反应过来。
tell application "System Events"keystroke " "delay 0.1
end tell
repeat with piece in shellPieces-- even or oddif length of piece is not equal to 0 thenif i is equal to 1 thentell application "System Events"keystroke "m" using command downdelay 0.1keystroke piecedelay 0.1keystroke returndelay 0.1end tellset i to 0set j to 1elseif j is equal to 0 thentell application "System Events"-- delete the added spacekeystroke (ASCII character 8)delay 0.1end tellend iftell application "System Events"keystroke piecedelay 0.1end tellset i to 1set j to 1end ifend if
end repeat





询问chatgpt得知,只要用代码“set the clipboard to target string"就能实现这个功能!

-- Part 1: get the text from clipboard
set orgnparagraphText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the text you want to input in trilium with automated math formula transformation; remember to change the keyboard into English:" default answer "")
set paragraphText to " " & orgnparagraphText
tell application "Trilium Notes"activate
end tell-- Part 2: delimiter paragraphText to oldDelimiters
set delimiter to "$"-- Set the text item delimiters to the delimiter
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter-- Split the paragraphText into pieces
set shellPieces to text items of paragraphText-- Restore the original text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters-- Part 3 insert ino trilium
-- Loop through the paragraph pieces
set i to 0
set j to 0
-- 这里插入一段是因为apple的keystroke似乎有点bug,第一个输入是反序的,所以我们这里输入一个空格来避免这个情况。同时,每次keystroke之间应该delay一会,等待系统反应过来。
tell application "System Events"keystroke " "delay 0.1
end tell
repeat with piece in shellPieces-- even or oddif length of piece is not equal to 0 thenif i is equal to 1 thentell application "System Events"keystroke "m" using command downdelay 0.1set the clipboard to piecekeystroke "v" using command downdelay 0.1keystroke returndelay 0.1end tellset i to 0set j to 1elseif j is equal to 0 thentell application "System Events"-- delete the added spacekeystroke (ASCII character 8)delay 0.1end tellend iftell application "System Events"set the clipboard to piecekeystroke "v" using command downdelay 0.1end tellset i to 1set j to 1end ifend if
end repeat





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