




  • 推荐lora权重:0.6-0.9,权重偏大时效果更加明显但图的质量会下降

  • 推荐采样步数:20-40


提示词格式:This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background.The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A xxxxxxx landscape, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame…

提示词想好一个场景后可以直接给到GPT来丰富细节,可以在开始的时候这样告诉它:”我正在 使用ai绘画软件进行创作,我需要你帮忙写一些提示词,自然语言描述即可,用这种句式开头:This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background.The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A xxxxxxx landscape, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame.其中的xxxxxxxx代表具体的场景,先统一描述一下,这句之后再跟上对这个场景的一些具体描述”。


This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background. The phone screen reveals a miniature stereoscopic scene of a flower meadow, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame.
On the screen, a vibrant flower meadow stretches out, filled with a variety of colorful blooms. The flowers are diverse, ranging from delicate daisies and cheerful daffodils to elegant roses and vibrant tulips. The petals of each flower catch the sunlight, shimmering in shades of pink, yellow, purple, and red. The green foliage provides a lush backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the blossoms.
In the foreground, a small path winds its way through the meadow, inviting visitors to explore the garden. Butterflies and bees flit among the flowers, pollinating and adding to the natural harmony of the scene. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of the flowers, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
The sky above is a clear blue, with a few fluffy white clouds drifting lazily. The sun casts a warm glow over the meadow, highlighting the textures and colors of the flowers. In the distance, a grove of trees provides a natural border, framing the scene beautifully.
The miniature landscape captures the beauty and tranquility of a flower meadow, all contained within the smartphone screen, emphasizing the natural splendor and the peacefulness of the setting.












1. 夜间城市景观

Prompt: This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background.The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A magnificent cityscape at night, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame. The skyscrapers are lit up with a dazzling array of colors. Neon signs flash and sparkle, adding a touch of glamour to the urban landscape. Couples hold hands as they watch the city from a rooftop, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the city lights. In the distance, a burst of fireworks lights up the sky. The bright colors of the fireworks reflect on the surface of a nearby river, creating a magical display. The explosions send showers of sparks raining down, filling the air with a sense of wonder and excitement. People on the streets look up in awe, their faces lit by the colorful bursts. The city is a symphony of light and sound, with the fireworks adding a final touch of beauty to the already stunning scene.



2. 童话中的森林

Prompt: This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background. The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A fairytale forest landscape with a charming bridge over a babbling brook, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame. The trees are ancient and majestic, their trunks covered in moss. Flowers of every color bloom in the undergrowth. A small wooden bridge spans a gently flowing stream, the water clear and sparkling as it tumbles over smooth stones. Butterflies flit about, their wings iridescent. A tiny cottage with a thatched roof stands among the trees, a curl of smoke rising from its chimney. The sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a dappled effect on the forest floor and highlighting the bridge and the flowing water.



3. 足球比赛

Prompt: This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background. The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A thrilling football match landscape, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame. The green football field is filled with players in colorful jerseys, dashing back and forth. The sun shines brightly overhead, casting long shadows on the turf. The goalposts stand tall at either end of the field, the nets billowing slightly in the breeze. The crowd in the stands is a sea of excitement, waving flags and cheering loudly. Some fans are wearing face paint in the team colors. The referee runs up and down the field, blowing the whistle to signal fouls or to start and stop play. One player is dribbling the ball skillfully, dodging opponents as he charges towards the goal. Another player leaps high to head the ball, his expression intense with concentration. The ball is a blur of motion as it flies through the air.

提示词: 这张海报展示了一个黑色背景下的智能手机。手机屏幕上展示了一场惊险的足球比赛景观的微型场景,无缝地集成到手机的框架中。绿色的足球场上挤满了穿着彩色球衣的球员,他们来回奔跑。阳光灿烂地照在头顶上,在草皮上投下长长的影子。球场两端的门柱都很高,球网在微风中微微翻腾。看台上的人群一片兴奋的海洋,他们挥舞着旗帜,大声欢呼。一些球迷脸上涂着球队的颜色。裁判在球场上跑来跑去,吹哨示意犯规或开始和停止比赛。一名球员娴熟地带球,在冲向球门时躲避对手。另一名球员跳得很高去顶球,他的表情因专注而紧张。球在空中飞行时,动作模糊。


4. 紫禁城景观

Prompt: This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background. The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A majestic Forbidden City landscape bathed in soft golden sunlight, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame. The grand red walls seem to glow with a warm radiance as the sunlight caresses them. Golden tiles on the roofs sparkle brilliantly, throwing off rays of light that dance in the air. The elaborate carvings on the pillars and arches are highlighted by the sunlight, every detail standing out with remarkable clarity. In the courtyards, smooth stone slabs are dappled with patches of sunlight and shadow, creating a beautiful play of light and texture. A few ancient pine trees stand tall and proud, their branches reaching towards the sky. The sunlight filters through the pine needles, casting a greenish-gold hue. A traditional palace lantern hangs from a corner, its red silk and golden tassels shimmering in the sunlight. In the distance, a guard in traditional armor stands watch, his figure outlined by the warm glow. The moat surrounding the palace reflects the magnificent architecture and the dancing sunlight, the ripples on the water catching the light and creating a mesmerizing effect.



5. 时装秀

Prompt:This poster shows a smartphone against a dark background.The phone screen reveals a miniature scene of A sophisticated fashion show landscape, seamlessly integrated into the phone’s frame. The runway is illuminated by a series of spotlights in different colors, creating a dynamic play of light and shadow. Models sashay down the catwalk, their silhouettes highlighted against the backdrop. Some models wear long, flowing dresses with delicate lace details that seem to float as they move. Others sport trendy leather jackets paired with sleek pants, exuding an air of confidence. The audience is a diverse mix of fashion enthusiasts, celebrities, and industry insiders. They sit in tiered seating, with some in the front rows wearing statement jewelry that catches the light. In the background, there are large screens displaying close-ups of the models and their outfits. The music is a blend of electronic beats and orchestral elements, adding to the dramatic atmosphere. The stage is decorated with crystal chandeliers that cast a soft glow, and there are potted plants in modern geometric containers adding a touch of greenery.
























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