简介:Playwright 是由微软推出的一款用于 Web 应用自动化测试的开源框架,它支持多浏览器、多平台,具有强大的 API 和现代化的自动化功能,适用于跨浏览器的 UI 测试。Playwright 支持所有现代渲染引擎,包括…
1.第N高的薪水 AC:
create function getnthhighestsalary(n int) returns int
begindeclare m int; set m n - 1; return (select distinct salaryfrom employeeorder by salary desclimit m, 1);
end 2.平均播放进度大于60%的视频类别 AC:
select tb_video_info…
F. Sakurakos Box
传送门:Problem - 2008F - Codeforces
Sakurako has a box with nn balls. Each ball has its value. She wants to bet with her friend that if the friend randomly picks two balls from the box (it could be two distinct balls, but they…