论文速递 | Management Science 8月文章合集


在本系列文章中,我们对顶刊《Management Science》于8月份发布文章中进行了精选(共9篇),并总结其基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业最新动态。


● 题目:Optimal Mechanism Design with Referral



● 作者:Hao Zhou , Jun Zhang 

● 发布时间:2024-08-19

● 摘要

This paper establishes the optimal selling mechanism when a seller can incentivize an existing buyer to refer his privately known potential buyer to participate. We identify three optimal channels for providing referral incentives. First, if the existing buyer declares that no potential buyer exists, his virtual value is penalized. Second, if the existing buyer refers the potential buyer to the seller, his virtual value is boosted. Third, in some scenarios where this carrots-and-sticks-via-virtual-value approach is insufficient for creating proper referral incentives, the existing buyer is then given a constant referral bonus for referring the potential buyer. We also provide conditions under which the optimal mechanism can be implemented using simple mechanisms. Finally, we demonstrate that the conventional resale mechanism is suboptimal.



● 题目:Don’t Fake It If You Can’t Make It: Driver Misconduct in Last-Mile Delivery



● 作者:Srishti Arora , Vivek Choudhary , Pavel Kireyev 

● 发布时间:2024-08-20

● 摘要

In the last two decades, last-mile delivery (LMD) firms have seen immense growth fueled by the success of e-commerce, leading to faster and cheaper deliveries. Operating on thin margins, LMD firms strive for successful first-time deliveries to avoid the financial and reputational costs of reattempts. Delivery agents (DAs) are integral to LMD efficiency, influencing customer experience, delivery success, and productivity. However, most LMD performance enhancement research focuses on process, technology, and incentives, which presume workers will conform to procedures and monitoring tools will function flawlessly. Nevertheless, in practice, DAs deviate from expected behaviors, that is, indulge in misconduct, negatively affecting delivery efficiency, often resulting in returned parcels. One of the major forms of misconduct is entering fake remarks about deliveries, wherein DAs intentionally do not deliver the parcels and provide fake reasons for it. For instance, even without reaching a delivery address, a DA remarks “customer unavailable” and records a delivery failure. In this study, we collaborated with a leading Indian LMD firm and, using instrumental variable regression, found that such misconduct leads to a spillover productivity loss. This effect reduces the next day’s successful deliveries by 1.60% and first-time-right deliveries by 1.86%. We discuss misconduct’s correlation with factors such as task complexity and offer novel insights into how opportunistic circumstances can influence worker behavior.



● 题目:Global Sensitivity Analysis via Optimal Transport



● 作者:Emanuele Borgonovo , Alessio Figalli, Elmar Plischke, Giuseppe Savaré

● 发布时间:2024-08-21

● 摘要

We examine the construction of variable importance measures for multivariate responses using the theory of optimal transport. We start with the classical optimal transport formulation. We show that the resulting sensitivity indices are well-defined under input dependence, are equal to zero under statistical independence, and are maximal under fully functional dependence. Also, they satisfy a continuity property for information refinements. We show that the new indices encompass Wagner’s variance-based sensitivity measures. Moreover, they provide deeper insights into the effect of an input’s uncertainty, quantifying its impact on the output mean, variance, and higher-order moments. We then consider the entropic formulation of the optimal transport problem and show that the resulting global sensitivity measures satisfy the same properties, with the exception that, under statistical independence, they are minimal, but not necessarily equal to zero. We prove the consistency of a given-data estimation strategy and test the feasibility of algorithmic implementations based on alternative optimal transport solvers. Application to the assemble-to-order simulator reveals a significant difference in the key drivers of uncertainty between the case in which the quantity of interest is profit (univariate) or inventory (multivariate). The new importance measures contribute to meeting the increasing demand for methods that make black-box models more transparent to analysts and decision makers.



● 题目:Identity Disclosure and Anthropomorphism in Voice Chatbot Design: A Field Experiment



● 作者:Yuqian Xu , Hongyan Dai , Wanfeng Yan

● 发布时间:2024-08-26

● 摘要

Fueled by the widespread adoption of algorithms and artificial intelligence, the use of chatbots has become increasingly popular in various business contexts. In this paper, we study how to effectively and appropriately use voice chatbots, particularly by leveraging the two design features identity disclosure and anthropomorphism, and evaluate their impact on the firm operational performance. In collaboration with a large truck-sharing platform, we conducted a field experiment that randomly assigned 11,000 truck drivers to receive outbound calls from the voice chatbot dispatcher of our focal platform. Our empirical results suggest that disclosing the identity of the chatbot at the beginning of the conversation negatively affects operational performance, leading to around 11% reduction in the response probability. However, humanizing the voice chatbot by adding our proposed anthropomorphism features (i.e., interjections and filler words) significantly improves response probability, conversation length, and the probability of order acceptance intention by over 5.6%, 24.9%, and 10.1%, respectively. Moreover, even when the chatbot’s identity is disclosed along with humanizing features, the operational outcomes still improve. This finding suggests that enhancing anthropomorphism may potentially counteract the negative effects of chatbot identity disclosure. Finally, we propose one plausible explanation for the performance improvement—the enhanced trust between humans and algorithms—and provide empirical evidence that drivers are more likely to disclose information to chatbot dispatchers with anthropomorphism features. Our proposed anthropomorphism improvement solutions are currently being implemented and utilized by our collaborator platform.



● 题目:Adaptive Preference Measurement with Unstructured Data


 原文链接 :https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2023.03775

● 作者:Ryan Dew

● 发布时间:2024-08-28

● 摘要

Many products are most meaningfully described using unstructured data such as text or images. Unstructured data are also common in e-commerce, in which products are often described by photos and text but not with standardized sets of attributes. Whereas much is known about how to efficiently measure consumer preferences when products can be meaningfully described by structured attributes, there is scant research on doing the same for unstructured data. This paper introduces a real-time, adaptive survey design framework for measuring preferences over unstructured data, leveraging Bayesian optimization. By adaptively choosing items to display based on uncertainty around a nonparametric utility model, the proposed method maximizes information gain per question, enabling quick estimation of individual-level preferences. The approach operates on embeddings of the unstructured data, thereby eliminating the requirement for manual coding of product attributes. We apply the method to measuring preferences over clothing and highlight its potential for both the general task of marketing research and the specific task of designing customer onboarding surveys to mitigate the cold-start recommendation problem. We also develop methods for interpreting the nonparametric utility functions, which allow us to reconstruct consumer valuations of discrete attributes, even for attributes that were not considered or available a priori.



● 题目:Coopetition in Platform-Based Retailing: On the Platform’s Entry


 原文链接 :https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2023.00260

● 作者:Lian Qi , Haotian Song , Wenqiang Xiao 

● 发布时间:2024-08-28

● 摘要

We study the dynamic incentive interactions between a platform and a third-party seller over two stages, where the seller exerts product-value-enhancement effort in the first stage in anticipation of the platform’s potential entry in the second stage. Upon entry, the platform can exert effort to boost the value of the product sold by the platform, with positive spillovers to the value of the product sold by the platform. We show the existence of both the protective and the receptive regimes, characterizing the necessary and sufficient conditions for each regime. These conditions are of thresholds type with respect to the parameters including the degree of spillover, the referral rate, and the competition intensity. In the protective (receptive) regime, the seller is worse (better) off with the platform’s entry than without, thereby distorting effort downward (upward) from the first best to deter (induce) the platform’s entry to the products of intermediate value. Notably, if the spillover effect is negative, only the protective regime will arise. We also provide the necessary and sufficient conditions under which the platform’s nonentry commitment strictly improves the platform’s profits by restoring the seller’s effort to the first best, achieving the win-win outcome for both the platform and the seller.



● 题目:Feature Misspecification in Sequential Learning Problems


 原文链接 https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2022.00328

● 作者:Dohyun Ahn , Dongwook Shin , Assaf Zeevi 

● 发布时间:2024-08-29

● 摘要

We consider a class of sequential learning problems where a decision maker must learn the unknown statistical characteristics of a finite set of alternatives (or systems) using sequential sampling to ultimately select a subset of “good” alternatives. A salient feature of our problem is that system performance is governed by a set of features. The decision maker postulates the dependence on these features to be linear, but this model may not precisely represent the true underlying system structure. We show that this misspecification, if not managed properly, can lead to suboptimal performance because of a phenomenon identified as sample-selection endogeneity. We propose a prospective sampling principle—a new approach that eliminates the adverse effects of misspecification as the number of samples grows large. The proposed principle applies across a very general class of widely used sampling policies, enjoys strong asymptotic performance guarantees, and exhibits effective finite-sample performance in numerical experiments.

我们研究了一类顺序学习问题,其中决策者必须通过顺序采样来学习一组有限备选方案(或系统)的未知统计特征,最终选择出一部分“优良”方案。我们问题的显著特征在于系统性能受一组特征的影响。决策者假设这些特征之间的依赖关系是线性的,但这一模型可能无法准确表示真实的系统结构。我们表明,如果未能正确处理这种误设,可能会因为一个被称为样本选择内生性(sample-selection endogeneity)的现象导致次优表现。为此,我们提出了一种前瞻性采样原则,这是一种新的方法,随着样本数量的增加,它能够消除误设带来的不利影响。该原则适用于一类非常广泛的常用采样策略,具有强大的渐近性能保证,并且在数值实验中表现出有效的有限样本性能。


● 题目Fast Delivery: B2B Field Experiments Amid COVID-19 Outbreak and New Normal


 原文链接 https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2022.03523

● 作者:Meng Li , Shichen Zhang 

● 发布时间:2024-08-29

● 摘要

Procuring essential products during disasters can save lives and livelihoods; nevertheless, limited research has explored this critical issue. In this paper, we collaborate with a buying company to run a unique B2B field experiment during the early COVID-19 outbreak that prompts an urgent need for personal protective equipment. We find that suppliers would deliver products faster by quoting a significantly shorter lead time when the buying company purchases products for donation rather than for resale. Similarly, suppliers quote a shorter lead time when the company provides crisis information—the number of COVID-19 cases in the region with high crisis levels—to highlight the urgent need for products. Interestingly, faster delivery does not come at the expense of the buying company. Buyers receive the products faster but also pay less. We collaborate with the same company to rerun the field experiment in the new normal and find that the buyer’s intent of donation leads to shorter lead time but not to lower wholesale price. Moreover, providing the COVID-19 information of the local community to suppliers has no impact on their decisions. Overall, our paper provides the first empirical evidence on suppliers’ lead time and wholesale price decisions during and after a disaster, thereby helping companies to deliver emergency products in a timely and efficient manner as well as designing their philanthropic and information strategies.



● 题目:The Continuous-Time Joint Replenishment Problem: ϵ-Optimal Policies via Pairwise Alignment


 原文链接 https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2023.00705

● 作者:Danny Segev

● 发布时间:2024-08-30

● 摘要

The main contribution of this paper resides in developing a new algorithmic approach for addressing the continuous-time joint replenishment problem, termed ΨΨ-pairwise alignment. The latter mechanism, through which we synchronize multiple economic order quantity models, allows us to devise a purely combinatorial algorithm for efficiently approximating optimal policies within any degree of accuracy. As a result, our work constitutes the first quantitative improvement over power-of-2 policies, which have been state-of-the-art in this context since the mid-1980s. Moreover, in light of recent intractability results, by proposing an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme for the joint replenishment problem, we resolve the long-standing open question regarding the computational complexity of this classical setting.






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青动CRM V3.2.1



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