


Labeled-to-unlabeled distribution alignment for partially-supervised multi-organ medical image segmentation




多器官医学图像分割(Mo-MedISeg)是医学图像分析领域中一个基础但具有挑战性的研究任务。它涉及为给定图像的每个像素分配一个语义器官标签,例如“肝脏”、“肾脏”、“脾脏”或“胰腺”。任何未定义的器官区域都被视为属于“背景”类别(Cerrolaza等,2019)。随着深度图像处理技术的发展,例如卷积神经网络(CNNs)(He等,2016)和视觉变换器(Dosovitskiy等,2020;Zhang等,2020b,2024),Mo-MedISeg 引起了显著的研究关注,并被广泛应用于各种实际应用中,包括诊断干预(Kumar等,2019)和治疗规划(Chu等,2013),以及诸如计算机断层扫描(CT)图像(Gibson等,2018)和X射线图像(Gómez等,2020)等不同场景。





Partially-supervised multi-organ medical image segmentation aims to develop a unified semantic segmentationmodel by utilizing multiple partially-labeled datasets, with each dataset providing labels for a single classof organs. However, the limited availability of labeled foreground organs and the absence of supervision todistinguish unlabeled foreground organs from the background pose a significant challenge, which leads to adistribution mismatch between labeled and unlabeled pixels. Although existing pseudo-labeling methods can beemployed to learn from both labeled and unlabeled pixels, they are prone to performance degradation in thistask, as they rely on the assumption that labeled and unlabeled pixels have the same distribution. In this paper,to address the problem of distribution mismatch, we propose a labeled-to-unlabeled distribution alignment(LTUDA) framework that aligns feature distributions and enhances discriminative capability. Specifically,we introduce a cross-set data augmentation strategy, which performs region-level mixing between labeledand unlabeled organs to reduce distribution discrepancy and enrich the training set. Besides, we proposea prototype-based distribution alignment method that implicitly reduces intra-class variation and increasesthe separation between the unlabeled foreground and background. This can be achieved by encouragingconsistency between the outputs of two prototype classifiers and a linear classifier. Extensive experimentalresults on the AbdomenCT-1K dataset and a union of four benchmark datasets (including LiTS, MSD-Spleen,KiTS, and NIH82) demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art partially-supervised methodsby a considerable margin, and even surpasses the fully-supervised methods.




3.1. Preliminaries

Given a union of partially annotated datasets {𝐷1 , 𝐷2 , …, 𝐷𝐶} (𝐷𝑐= {(𝑋, 𝑌 𝑙 ) ∣ 𝑐 = 1,2, .. ., 𝐶}), our goal is to train an end-to-endsegmentation network that can simultaneously segment 𝐶 organs. 𝑋denotes the images in the 𝑐th dataset. The corresponding partial label𝑌* 𝑙 comprises labeled foreground organ pixels, unlabeled foregroundorgan pixels, and unlabeled background pixels. In 𝑌 𝑙 , only organ 𝑐has true class labels, and other organs are unknown. The multi-organsegmentation network needs to assign each pixel of an input image aunique semantic label of 𝑐 ∈ {0, 1, …, 𝐶}, where 𝐶 denotes the classsize.CNN-based Mo-MedISeg networks are commonly trained by multiclass cross-entropy loss L𝐶𝐸 (𝑥, 𝑦) = − ∑𝐶**𝑐=0 𝑦𝑐 log 𝑝𝑐 , where 𝑦𝑐 is theone-hot ground truth corresponding to class 𝑐. However, this is notsuitable for partially-supervised segmentation. Given the absence ofan annotated background class in this scenario, we learn class-specificforeground maps, and transform the multi-classification task into multiple binary classification tasks (one vs. the rest). Given an image fromany partially labeled dataset 𝐷**𝑖 as input, the segmentation networkgenerates class-wise foreground maps 𝑝 = {𝑝𝑐 } 𝐶 𝑐=1, which are normalized using a sigmoid. Partial binary cross-entropy loss L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 is adoptedto train the segmentation network, which is defined as follows:

L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 (𝑥, 𝑦) =𝐶∑𝑐=1I𝑦𝑐≠−1,

(1)where 𝑦𝑐 and 𝑝𝑐 represent the ground truth and predicted probabilitymap belonging to class c, respectively. For the labeled category 𝑖, thevalue of 𝑦𝑐 is 0 or 1, indicating whether or not the pixel belongs tocategory 𝑖; for the unlabeled categories, the value of 𝑦𝑐 is −1. L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸only supervises the segmentation map corresponding to the labeledcategory. For example, the LiTs dataset provides partial labels for theliver category. Therefore, for some other categories without labels, thisloss function will not back-propagate the gradients.The segmentation network only outputs foreground maps, so weneed to assign each pixel its unique class ̂𝑦 from the label space{0, 1, …, 𝐶} during inference. Inspired by methods for detecting anomalous samples (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2016), we adopt a linear

threshold-based classifier to obtain multi-class segmentation maps. Asshown in Eq. (2), if the probabilities of all foreground classes of a pixelare below a certain threshold 𝜏, we consider the pixel to belong to thebackground class. Otherwise, the pixel is assigned the class with thehighest foreground probability.̂𝑦 = { arg max𝑐∈{1,…,𝐶}𝑝𝑐 , if max𝑐∈{1,…,𝐶}𝑝*𝑐 ≥ 𝜏,0 (background class)

,otherwise.(2)Although ignoring unannotated categories is an intuitive approach, itmay lead to sub-optimal performance as only a fraction of the dataare utilized. Fig. 1(a) shows the feature visualization of the baselinemodel which only learns from the labeled pixels while ignoring theunlabeled organs. We can observe that the unlabeled prototypes deviatefrom the labeled prototype for the foreground categories, especiallyfor the pancreas and spleen. Furthermore, it is difficult to separate theunlabeled foreground from the background only by the threshold 𝜏, dueto the absence of any background supervision information. Therefore,directly minimizing L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 on labeled pixels may result in the problemsof overfitting and confusion between the foreground organs and thebackground.

给定一个部分标注数据集的联合体 { 𝐷1, 𝐷2, …, 𝐷𝐶 } (𝐷𝑐 = { (𝑋, 𝑌 𝑙) | 𝑐 = 1, 2, …, 𝐶 }),我们的目标是训练一个端到端的分割网络,能够同时对 𝐶 个器官进行分割。𝑋 表示第 𝑐 个数据集中的图像。对应的部分标签 𝑌 𝑙 包括标记的前景器官像素、未标记的前景器官像素和未标记的背景像素。在 𝑌 𝑙 中,只有器官 𝑐 有真实的类别标签,其他器官的标签未知。多器官分割网络需要将输入图像的每个像素分配一个唯一的语义标签 𝑐 ∈ {0, 1, …, 𝐶},其中 𝐶 表示类别数量。基于卷积神经网络的 Mo-MedISeg 网络通常通过多类别交叉熵损失 L𝐶𝐸 (𝑥, 𝑦) = − ∑𝐶𝑐=0 𝑦𝑐 log 𝑝𝑐 进行训练,其中 𝑦𝑐 是与类别 𝑐 对应的一热编码真实值。然而,这不适用于部分监督分割。由于在这种情况下缺少标注的背景类别,我们学习特定类别的前景图,并将多分类任务转换为多个二分类任务(一个类别与其余类别的比较)。对于来自任何部分标注数据集 𝐷𝑖 的图像,分割网络生成类别特定的前景图 𝑝 = {𝑝**𝑐 } 𝐶 𝑐=1,这些图通过 sigmoid 函数进行归一化。采用部分二元交叉熵损失 L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 来训练分割网络,其定义如下:

L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 (𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝐶∑𝑐=1 I𝑦𝑐≠ −1

(1) 其中 𝑦**𝑐 和 𝑝**𝑐 分别表示类别 𝑐 的真实值和预测概率图。对于标记类别 𝑖,𝑦𝑐 的值为 0 或 1,指示该像素是否属于类别 𝑖;对于未标记类别,𝑦𝑐 的值为 −1。L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 仅对与标记类别对应的分割图进行监督。例如,LiTs 数据集为肝脏类别提供部分标签。因此,对于其他没有标签的类别,该损失函数将不会反向传播梯度。分割网络仅输出前景图,因此在推理过程中我们需要为每个像素分配一个唯一的类别 ̂𝑦,其标签空间为 {0, 1, …, 𝐶}。受到异常样本检测方法的启发(Hendrycks 和 Gimpel, 2016),我们采用基于线性阈值的分类器来获得多类别分割图。如下所示,如果某个像素的所有前景类别的概率都低于某个阈值 𝜏,我们认为该像素属于背景类别。否则,该像素将被分配给具有最高前景概率的类别。

̂𝑦 = { arg max𝑐∈{1, …, 𝐶} 𝑝𝑐, 如果 max𝑐∈{1, …, 𝐶} 𝑝𝑐 ≥ 𝜏,0(背景类),否则。

(2) 尽管忽略未标注类别是一种直观的方法,但这可能导致次优性能,因为仅使用了部分数据。图 1(a) 显示了基线模型的特征可视化,该模型仅从标记像素中学习,同时忽略了未标记器官。我们可以观察到,未标记的原型与前景类别的标记原型偏离,特别是对于胰腺和脾脏。此外,由于缺乏任何背景监督信息,仅通过阈值 𝜏 难以将未标记的前景与背景分离。因此,直接最小化 L𝑝𝐵𝐶𝐸 在标记像素上可能导致过拟合和前景器官与背景之间的混淆问题。



Partially-supervised segmentation is confronted with the challengeof feature distribution mismatch between the labeled and unlabeledpixels. To address this issue, this paper proposes a new frameworkcalled LTUDA for partially supervised multi-organ segmentation. Ourapproach comprises two key components. Firstly, we design a crossset data augmentation strategy that generates interpolated samplesbetween the labeled and unlabeled pixels, thereby reducing featurediscrepancy. Furthermore, we propose a prototype-based distributionalignment module to align the distributions of labeled and unlabeledpixels. This module eliminates confusion between unlabeled foregroundand background by encouraging consistency between labeled prototypeand unlabeled prototype classifier. Experimental results on both a toydataset and a large-scale partially labeled dataset demonstrate theeffectiveness of our method.Our proposed method has the potential to contribute to the development of foundation models. Recent foundation models (Liu et al., 2023;Ye et al., 2023) have focused on leveraging large-scale and diversepartially annotated datasets to segment different types of organs andtumors, thereby fully exploiting existing publicly available datasetsfrom different modalities (e.g., CT, MRI, PET). While these models haveachieved promising results, they typically do not leverage unlabeledpixels or consider the domain shift between partially-labeled datasetsfrom different institutions. This heterogeneity in training data leadsto a more pronounced distributional deviation between labeled andunlabeled pixels, posing a greater challenge. Our proposed labeled-tounlabeled distribution framework specifically addresses this challengeand thus can help unlock the potential of public datasets. Lookingahead, one promising future direction is to apply partially supervisedsegmentation methods to more realistic clinical scenarios (Yao et al.,2021). Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of training multiorgan segmentation models using small-sized partially labeled datasets.This convenience enables the customization and development of multiorgan segmentation models based on the clinical requirements of medical professionals. If the annotations provided by the public datasetslack specific anatomical structures of interest, experts would only needto provide annotations of a small number of missing classes to developmulti-organ segmentation models.

部分监督分割面临标记像素和未标记像素之间特征分布不匹配的挑战。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种新的框架,称为 LTUDA,用于部分监督的多脏器分割。我们的方法包括两个关键组件。首先,我们设计了一种跨集合数据增强策略,生成标记像素和未标记像素之间的插值样本,从而减少特征差异。此外,我们提出了基于原型的分布对齐模块,以对齐标记像素和未标记像素的分布。该模块通过鼓励标记原型与未标记原型分类器之间的一致性,消除了未标记前景与背景之间的混淆。我们在玩具数据集和大规模部分标记数据集上的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。

我们提出的方法有潜力为基础模型的发展做出贡献。最近的基础模型(Liu et al., 2023; Ye et al., 2023)专注于利用大规模和多样化的部分注释数据集对不同类型的器官和肿瘤进行分割,从而充分利用来自不同模态(例如 CT、MRI、PET)的现有公共数据集。尽管这些模型取得了令人鼓舞的结果,但它们通常不利用未标记像素或考虑来自不同机构的部分标记数据集之间的领域偏移。这种训练数据的异质性导致标记像素和未标记像素之间的分布偏差更加明显,从而带来更大的挑战。我们提出的标记到未标记分布框架专门针对这一挑战,从而帮助挖掘公共数据集的潜力。展望未来,一个有前景的方向是将部分监督分割方法应用于更真实的临床场景(Yao et al., 2021)。我们的方法展示了使用小规模部分标记数据集训练多脏器分割模型的可行性。这种便利性使得根据医疗专业人员的临床需求定制和开发多脏器分割模型成为可能。如果公共数据集提供的注释缺少特定感兴趣的解剖结构,专家只需提供少量缺失类别的注释即可开发多脏器分割模型。



Fig. 1. Comparisons of t-SNE feature visualization on the toy dataset consisting of four partially-labeled sub-datasets. The feature distribution of labeled and unlabeled pixels fordifferent classes is visualized. For each foreground category, only one sub-dataset provides a labeled set, while the other three provide unlabeled sets. Since each sub-dataset doesnot provide the true label of the background, the background is completely unlabeled. We have superimposed the feature centers of the labeled set and unlabeled set, i.e., labeledprototypes and unlabeled prototypes, of each foreground category on the feature distribution. Additionally, we visualized the feature center of the background classes across allsubsets. (a) Baseline model (trained on labeled pixels). The labeled prototype and unlabeled prototypes of the foreground classes are not aligned. (b) Baseline model with cross-setdata augmentation (CDA). The CDA strategy effectively reduces the distributional discrepancy between labeled and unlabeled pixels for the foreground classes. (c) Our proposedmethod. The labeled prototype and unlabeled prototypes of each foreground class almost overlap

图 1. t-SNE 特征可视化在由四个部分标注的子数据集组成的玩具数据集上的比较。可视化了不同类别的标注和未标注像素的特征分布。对于每个前景类别,只有一个子数据集提供标注集,而其他三个子数据集提供未标注集。由于每个子数据集都没有提供背景的真实标签,背景是完全未标注的。我们在特征分布上叠加了每个前景类别的标注集和未标注集的特征中心,即标注原型和未标注原型。此外,我们可视化了所有子数据集中背景类别的特征中心。(a)基线模型(仅在标注像素上训练)。前景类别的标注原型和未标注原型未对齐。(b)带有跨集数据增强(CDA)的基线模型。CDA策略有效减少了前景类别中标注像素和未标注像素之间的分布差异。(c)我们提出的方法。每个前景类别的标注原型和未标注原型几乎完全重合。


Fig. 2. (a) The overall framework of the proposed LTUDA method, which consists of cross-set data augmentation and prototype-based distribution alignment. (b) Details of theprototype-based distribution alignment module. Our method is built on the popular teacher–student framework and applies weak (rotation and scaling) and strong augmentation(cross-set region-level mixing) to the input images of the teacher and student models, respectively. The linear classifier refers to the linear threshold-based classifier describedin Eq. (2) of Section 3.1. Two prototype classifiers are introduced in the student model, and the predictions of the teacher model and partial labels are combined as pseudo-labelsto supervise the outputs of the three classifiers in the student model. The term ‘‘copy’’ denotes that the labeled prototype of the background class is set to be equal to the unlabeledprototype.

图 2. (a) 所提出的 LTUDA 方法的整体框架,包含跨集数据增强和基于原型的分布对齐。(b) 基于原型的分布对齐模块的详细信息。我们的方法基于流行的教师-学生框架,并分别对教师模型和学生模型的输入图像应用弱增强(旋转和缩放)和强增强(跨集区域级混合)。线性分类器指的是3.1节方程(2)中描述的线性阈值分类器。学生模型中引入了两个原型分类器,教师模型的预测和部分标签被结合为伪标签,用于监督学生模型中三个分类器的输出。术语“复制”表示背景类的标注原型设置为等于未标注原型。


Fig. 3. Visualizations of differently strongly augmented images generated by CutMix. (a) and (b) paste the cropped patch from 𝑥 𝑏 𝑤 to the same position in 𝑥 𝑎 𝑤 . The box coordinates and sizes of (a) and (b) are different.

图 3. 使用 CutMix 生成的不同强增强图像的可视化。

(a) 和 (b) 将从 𝑥 𝑏 𝑤 裁剪的图像块粘贴到 𝑥 𝑎 𝑤 的相同位置。(a) 和 (b) 的裁剪框坐标和大小不同。


Fig. 4. Visualizations of LSPL. Examples are from the LiTS, MSD-Spleen, KiTS, andNIH82 datasets, respectively, arranged from left to right. (a) Single-organ annotationsoriginally provided by the four benchmark datasets. (b) Full annotations of four organs.(c) to (g) are the segmentation results of different methods. The white frame highlightsthe better predictions of our method.

图4. LSPL 的可视化示例。例子分别来自 LiTS、MSD-Spleen、KiTS 和 NIH82 数据集,按从左到右的顺序排列。(a)四个基准数据集原始提供的单脏器标注。(b)四个脏器的完整标注。(c)到(g)是不同方法的分割结果。白色框突出显示了我们方法的更好预测。


Fig. 5. Ablation results. (a) The number of prototypes per class. (b) The number ofstrong views.

图 5. 消融结果。(a) 每个类别的原型数量。(b) 强视图的数量。


Fig. 6. Visualizations of differently strongly augmented images generated by CarveMix.(a) and (b) paste the cropped ROI from 𝑥 𝑏 𝑤 to the same position in 𝑥 𝑎 𝑤 . (a) and (b)crop the ROI of different foreground organs.

图 6. CarveMix 生成的不同强度增强图像的可视化。(a) 和 (b) 将从 𝑥 𝑏 𝑤 裁剪的 ROI 粘贴到 𝑥 𝑎 𝑤 的相同位置。(a) 和 (b) 裁剪不同前景器官的 ROI。


Fig. 7. (a) The performance of learning from partially labeled data under different labeled data sizes. (b) The performance of learning from partially labeled data and unlabeled data under different labeled data sizes.

图 7. (a) 在不同标记数据大小下从部分标记数据学习的性能。(b) 在不同标记数据大小下从部分标记数据和未标记数据学习的性能。


Fig. 8. Ablation results of different segmentation backbones.

图 8. 不同分割骨干网络的消融结果。


Fig. 9. Ablation study of weight parameters of L𝑙𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜 and L𝑢𝑙𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜.

图 9. L𝑙𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜 和 L𝑢𝑙𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜 权重参数的消融研究


Fig. 10. Ablation study of weight parameters of L𝑝𝑝𝑑 and L𝑝𝑝𝑐 .

图 10. L𝑝𝑝𝑑 和 L𝑝𝑝𝑐 权重参数的消融研究。



Table 1A brief description of the large-scale partially-labeled dataset.

表1 大规模部分标记数据集的简要描述。


Table 2Quantitative results of partially-supervised multi-organ segmentation on a toy dataset.

表2 在玩具数据集上进行部分监督多脏器分割的定量结果。


Table 3Quantitative results of partially-supervised multi-organ segmentation on four partially labeled datasets (LSPL dataset).

表3 在四个部分标记数据集(LSPL 数据集)上进行部分监督多脏器分割的定量结果。


Table 4Ablation study of key components on LSPL dataset. CDA denotes cross-set data augmentation, and PDA denotes prototype-based distribution alignment. Green numbers indicatethe performance improvement over the baseline.

表4在 LSPL 数据集上关键组件的消融研究。CDA 表示跨集数据增强,PDA 表示基于原型的分布对齐。绿色数字表示相对于基线的性能提升。


Table 5Generalization performance of different methods on two multi-organ datasets.

表5 在两个多脏器数据集上不同方法的泛化性能。


Table 6Ablation study of key components on the toy dataset. CDA denotes cross-set data augmentation, and PDA denotes prototype-based distribution alignment. Green numbers indicatethe performance improvement over the baseline.

表 6 在玩具数据集上关键组件的消融研究。CDA 表示跨集合数据增强,PDA 表示基于原型的分布对齐。绿色数字表示相对于基线的性能提升。


Table 7Ablation results of different data augmentation methods.

表 7 不同数据增强方法的消融结果。


Table 8Comparison of different paste position strategies for CutMix

表 8 CutMix 不同粘贴位置策略的比较。


Table 9Intra-class and inter-class variance for different methods

表 9 不同方法的类内方差和类间方差。





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香港科技大学数据建模MSc(DDM)硕士学位项目25/26招生宣讲会-西安专场 🕙时间:2024 年10 月12日(周六) 16:00 🏠地点: 西安交大南洋大酒店(交通大学青龙寺店) 行政会议室 🧑‍🎓嘉宾…

VS code 使用 Jupyter Notebook 时显示 line number

VS code 使用 Jupyter Notebook 时显示 line number 引言正文引言 有些时候,我们在 VS code 中必须要使用 Jupyter Notebook,但是默认情况下,Jupyter Notebook 是不显示 Line number 的,这对于调试工作的定位是不友好的,这里我们将介绍如何让 Jupyter Notebook 显示 Line…


面试官经常喜欢问什么zookeeper选主原理、什么CAP理论、什么数据一致性。经常都被问烦了,我就想问问面试官,你自己还会实现一个简单的集群内选主呢?估计大部分面试官自己也写不出来。 本篇使用 Java 和 Netty 实现简单的集群选主过程的示例。…

为何上海我店平台 能够三年突破两百亿销售额?

在当前全球经济环境充满挑战,消费者普遍持谨慎态度的背景下,我店——这家总部位于上海的创新企业,却以惊人的速度崛起,成为市场中的一股清流。 自2021年8月成立以来,我店凭借其独特的环保积分系统,在短短两…




前言 Go语言开发框架,我们要把Go的优势体现在框架中,不仅CRUD常规操作,还要把常用即有算力自己集成到框架中,而不是去购买第三方提供服务接口。作为开发者可以拓宽自己代码面,获取更多成就感,同时也提供自…


c反汇编逆向还原代码for循环的实现,for循环和while循环在逆向还原的区别 一、汇编 mov :将源操作数复制到目的操作数 lea :与mov类似 mov a,b 表示将b赋值给a 若是 mov a,[b] 这是将b的地址赋值给a,相…


泛黄的春联还残留在墙上.......................................................................................................... 文章目录 前言 一、【哈希结构的介绍】 1.1【哈希结构的概念】 1.2【哈希冲突】 1.3【哈希函数的设计】 1.4【应对哈希冲突的办法】 一、…


MapReduce为google分布式三驾马车之一。分别为《The Google File System》、《MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters》、《Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data》。三遍论文奠定了分布式存储和计算的基础。本篇文章来说说mapreduc…

C语言 15 预处理

C 语言学习已经快要接近尾声了&#xff0c;但是有一个东西迟迟还没有介绍&#xff0c;就是一直在写的&#xff1a; #include <stdio.h>这到底是个什么东西&#xff0c;为什么每次都要加上呢&#xff1f;这里将详细讨论它缘由。 C 语言中带 # 号的指令并不是 C 关键字的…

ASCII Unicode UTF-8 字符集 字符编码

ASCII Unicode UTF-8 字符集 字符编码 基本概念字符字符集字符编码 字符集和字符编码ASCII 字符集Unicode 字符集UTF-8 附录 基本概念 字符集为每个字符分配了一个唯一的编号&#xff0c;通过这个编号就能找到对应的字符。在编码过程中我们经常会使用字符&#xff0c;而使用字…


前言 FONIX勒索软件首次出现在2020年6月&#xff0c;并迅速成为勒索即服务&#xff08;RaaS&#xff09;平台的一部分。尽管它最初的影响力有限&#xff0c;FONIX从2020年11月开始显著增加了攻击频率。FONIX以其复杂的加密方法著称&#xff0c;使用了AES、Salsa20、ChaCha和RS…


第三章 系统分析 通过对系统功能模块分析可以得知&#xff0c;主要是对项目元素组合、分解和更换做出相应的单元&#xff0c;再通过系统模块来规划出一个原则&#xff0c;系统的设计首先是围绕用户需求进行开发设计的&#xff0c;主要是为了能够更好的管理信息和方便用户&#…


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摘 要 互联网发展至今&#xff0c;无论是其理论还是技术都已经成熟&#xff0c;而且它广泛参与在社会中的方方面面。它让信息都可以通过网络传播&#xff0c;搭配信息管理工具可以很好地为人们提供服务。针对高校教师成果信息管理混乱&#xff0c;出错率高&#xff0c;信息安全…


怎么把word文档转化为ppt&#xff1f; 在当今快节奏的办公日常中&#xff0c;高效处理文档格式转换已成为职场人必备的一项技能。当我们要进行演示报告、汇报工作&#xff0c;或是分享知识时&#xff0c;经常需要把Word文档转换为PPT演示文稿。然而&#xff0c;这个看似简单的…