DiffusionModel-Classifier Free Guidance Diffusion

论文: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598


We are interested in whether classifier guidance can be performed without a classifier.

  • Classifier guidance complicates the diffusion model training pipeline
    • it requires training an extra classifier
    • this classifier must be trained on noisy data so it is generally not possible to plug in a pre-trained classifier.
  • Furthermore, classifier guidance mixes a score estimate with a classifier gradient during sampling
    • classifier-guided diffusion sampling can be interpreted as attempting to confuse an image classifier with a gradient-based adversarial attack.
    • This raises the question of whether classifier guidance is successful at boosting classifier-based metrics such as FID and Inception score (IS) simply because it is adversarial against such classifiers.


  • we present classifier-free guidance, our guidance method which avoids any classifier entirely
  • Rather than sampling in the direction of the gradient of an image classifier, classifier-free guidance instead mixes the score estimates of a conditional diffusion model and a jointly trained unconditional diffusion model.


Continuous Time Training

q ( z λ ∣ x ) = N ( α λ x , σ λ 2 I ) , w h e r e α λ 2 = 1 / ( 1 + e − λ ) , σ λ 2 = 1 − α λ 2 q ( z λ ∣ z λ ′ ) = N ( ( α λ / α λ ′ ) z λ ′ , σ λ ∣ λ ′ 2 I ) , w h e r e λ < λ ′ , σ λ ∣ λ ′ 2 = ( 1 − e λ − λ ′ ) σ λ 2 \begin{aligned}q(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{x})&=\mathcal{N}(\alpha_{\lambda}\mathbf{x},\sigma_{\lambda}^{2}\mathbf{I}), \mathrm{where} \alpha_{\lambda}^{2}=1/(1+e^{-\lambda}), \sigma_{\lambda}^{2}=1-\alpha_{\lambda}^{2}\\q(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda^{\prime}})&=\mathcal{N}((\alpha_{\lambda}/\alpha_{\lambda^{\prime}})\mathbf{z}_{\lambda^{\prime}},\sigma_{\lambda|\lambda^{\prime}}^{2}\mathbf{I}), \mathrm{where} \lambda<\lambda^{\prime}, \sigma_{\lambda|\lambda^{\prime}}^{2}=(1-e^{\lambda-\lambda^{\prime}})\sigma_{\lambda}^{2}\end{aligned} q(zλx)q(zλzλ)=N(αλx,σλ2I),whereαλ2=1/(1+eλ),σλ2=1αλ2=N((αλ/αλ)zλ,σλλ2I),whereλ<λ,σλλ2=(1eλλ)σλ2

  • x ∼ p ( x ) \mathbf{x}\sim p(\mathbf{x}) xp(x):initial distribution
  • z = { z λ ∣ λ ∈ [ λ min ⁡ , λ max ⁡ ] } \mathbf{z}=\{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}\mid\lambda\in[\lambda_{\operatorname*{min}},\lambda_{\operatorname*{max}}]\} z={zλλ[λmin,λmax]}
  • p ( z ) p(z) p(z)( or p ( z λ ) ) p({z_{\lambda}})) p(zλ)):the marginal of z z z(or z λ ) {z_{\lambda}}) zλ)when x ∼ p ( x ) \mathbf{x}\sim p(\mathbf{x}) xp(x) and z ∼ q ( z ∣ x ) \mathbf{z}\sim q(\mathbf{z}|\mathbf{x}) zq(zx)
  • λ = log ⁡ α λ 2 / σ λ 2 , \lambda=\log\alpha_{\lambda}^{2}/\sigma_{\lambda}^{2}, λ=logαλ2/σλ2,:the log signal-to-noise ratio of z λ z_{\lambda} zλthe forward process runs in the direction of decreasing λ.

Conditioned on x

  • forward process: q ( z λ ′ ∣ z λ , x ) = N ( μ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ ( z λ , x ) , σ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 I , q(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda^{\prime}}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{x})=\mathcal{N}(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{\lambda^{\prime}|\lambda}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{x}),\tilde{\sigma}_{\lambda^{\prime}|\lambda}^{2}\mathbf{I}, q(zλzλ,x)=N(μ~λλ(zλ,x),σ~λλ2I,
    • μ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ ( z λ , x ) = e λ − λ ′ ( α λ ′ / α λ ) z λ + ( 1 − e λ − λ ′ ) α λ ′ x \tilde{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{\lambda'|\lambda}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{x})=e^{\lambda-\lambda'}(\alpha_{\lambda'}/\alpha_{\lambda})\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}+(1-e^{\lambda-\lambda'})\alpha_{\lambda'}\mathbf{x} μ~λλ(zλ,x)=eλλ(αλ/αλ)zλ+(1eλλ)αλx
    • σ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 = ( 1 − e λ − λ ′ ) σ λ ′ 2 \tilde{\sigma}_{\lambda'|\lambda}^{2}=(1-e^{\lambda-\lambda'})\sigma_{\lambda'}^{2} σ~λλ2=(1eλλ)σλ2
  • reverse process generative model
    • start from p θ ( z λ m i n ) = N ( 0 , I ) p_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda_{\mathrm{min}}})=\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I}) pθ(zλmin)=N(0,I)
    • p θ ( z λ ′ ∣ z λ ) = N ( μ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ ( z λ , x θ ( z λ ) ) , ( σ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 ) 1 − v ( σ λ ∣ λ ′ 2 ) v ) p_\theta(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda'}|\mathbf{z}_\lambda)=\mathcal{N}(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{\lambda'|\lambda}(\mathbf{z}_\lambda,\mathbf{x}_\theta(\mathbf{z}_\lambda)),(\tilde{\sigma}_{\lambda'|\lambda}^2)^{1-v}(\sigma_{\lambda|\lambda'}^2)^v) pθ(zλzλ)=N(μ~λλ(zλ,xθ(zλ)),(σ~λλ2)1v(σλλ2)v)
      • During sampling, we apply this transition along an increasing sequence λ m i n = λ 1 < ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ < λ T = λ m a x λ_{min} = λ_1 < · · · < λ_T = λ_{max} λmin=λ1<⋅⋅⋅<λT=λmax for T timesteps;
      • parameterize x θ x_θ xθ in terms of ϵ \epsilon ϵ-prediction: x θ ( z λ ) = ( z λ − σ λ ϵ θ ( z λ ) ) / α λ x_θ(z_λ) = (z_λ−σ_λ{\epsilon}_θ(z_λ))/α_λ xθ(zλ)=(zλσλϵθ(zλ))/αλ
      • If the model x θ x_θ xθ is correct, then as T →∞, we obtain samples from an SDE whose sample paths are distributed as p ( z ) p(z) p(z) (Song et al., 2021b), and we use p θ ( z ) p_θ(z) pθ(z) to denote the continuous time model distribution.
    • The variance
      • The variance is a log-space interpolation of σ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 \tilde{\sigma}_{\lambda^{\prime}|\lambda}^{2} σ~λλ2 and σ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 {\sigma}_{\lambda^{\prime}|\lambda}^{2} σλλ2【通过一个对数空间的插值方法进行连接】
      • we found it effective to use a constant hyperparameter v v vrather than learned z λ z_λ zλ-dependent v v v.【这种插值方法使用了一个恒定的超参数 v v v,而不是依赖于 λ λ λ的可学习参数 v v v
      • Note that the variances simplify to σ ~ λ ′ ∣ λ 2 \tilde{\sigma}_{\lambda^{\prime}|\lambda}^{2} σ~λλ2 as λ’ → λ, so v v v has an effect only when sampling with non-infinitesimal timesteps as done in practice.【在实际的采样过程中,时间步长通常不是无穷小的,因此超参数 v v v对于确定在每一步中的方差变化很重要】
    • the mean
      • The reverse process mean comes from an estimate x θ ( z λ ) x_θ(z_λ) xθ(zλ)( x θ x_θ xθ ignore input λ λ λ for simple) ≈ x plugged into q ( z λ ′ ∣ z λ , x ) q(z_{λ'}|z_λ, x) q(zλzλ,x)
    • we train on the objective: E ϵ , λ [ ∥ ϵ θ ( z λ ) − ϵ ∥ 2 2 ] \mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon},\lambda}\big[\|\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_\theta(\mathbf{z}_\lambda)-\boldsymbol{\epsilon}\|_2^2\big] Eϵ,λ[ϵθ(zλ)ϵ22]
      • ϵ ∼ N ( 0 , I ) \epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I}) ϵN(0,I)
      • z λ = α λ x + σ λ ϵ , \mathbf{z}_{\lambda}=\alpha_{\lambda}\mathbf{x}+\sigma_{\lambda}\mathbf{\epsilon}, zλ=αλx+σλϵ,
      • λ \lambda λ:is drawn from a distribution p ( λ ) p(\lambda) p(λ) over [ λ min ⁡ , λ max ⁡ ] [\lambda_{\min},\lambda_{\max}] [λmin,λmax]
        • when p ( λ ) p(λ) p(λ) is uniform, the objective of score matching over multiple noise scales is proportional to the variational lower bound on the marginal log likelihood of the latent variable model ∫ p θ ( x ∣ z ) p θ ( z ) d z , \int p_{\theta}(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{z})p_{\theta}(\mathbf{z})d\mathbf{z}, pθ(xz)pθ(z)dz,ignoring the term for the unspecified decoder p θ ( x ∣ z ) p_{\theta}(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{z}) pθ(xz)and for the prior at p θ ( x ∣ z ) p_{\theta}(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{z}) pθ(xz)【当 p(λ) 不是均匀分布时,去噪得分匹配的目标可以被解释为加权变分下界】
        • If p ( λ ) p(λ) p(λ)is not uniform, the objective can be interpreted as weighted variational lower bound whose weighting can be tuned for sample quality【当 p(λ) 不是均匀分布时,去噪得分匹配的目标可以被解释为加权变分下界,其权重可以根据需要调整以优化样本质量。】

choose of p ( λ ) p(λ) p(λ)

  • we sample λ λ λ via λ = − 2 l o g t a n ( a u + b ) λ = −2 log\ tan(au + b) λ=2log tan(au+b) for uniformly distributed u ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] u ∈ [0, 1] u[0,1], where b = a r c t a n ( e − λ m a x / 2 ) b = arctan(e^{−λ_{max}/2}) b=arctan(eλmax/2) and a = a r c t a n ( e − λ m i n / 2 ) − b a = arctan(e^{−λ_{min}/2}) − b a=arctan(eλmin/2)b.
  • This represents a hyperbolic secant distribution modified to be supported on a bounded interval. 【这种方法得到的 p(λ) 是一个修改后的双曲正割分布,它被调整为支持于在有界区间 [λmin​,λmax​] 。】
  • For finite timestep generation, we use λ λ λvalues corresponding to uniformly spaced u ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] u ∈ [0, 1] u[0,1], and the final generated sample is x θ ( z λ m a x ) x_θ(z_{λ_{max}} ) xθ(zλmax).【在有限时间步长生成中,λ 的值对应于均匀间隔的 u ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] u ∈ [0, 1] u[0,1]最终生成的样本是 x θ ( z λ m a x ) x_θ(z_{λ_{max}} ) xθ(zλmax)
  • loss for ϵ θ ( z λ ) {\epsilon}_θ(z_λ) ϵθ(zλ) is denoising score matching for all λ λ λ
    • the score ϵ θ ( z λ ) {\epsilon}_θ(z_λ) ϵθ(zλ)learned by our model estimates the gradient of the log-density of the distribution of our noisy data z λ z_λ zλ【模型学习得到的得分函数 ϵ θ ( z λ ) {\epsilon}_θ(z_λ) ϵθ(zλ)用来估计加噪数据 z λ z_λ zλ分布的对数梯度的】
    • ϵ θ ( z λ ) ≈ − σ λ ∇ z λ log ⁡ p ( z λ ) \epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})\approx-\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}\log p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}) ϵθ(zλ)σλzλlogp(zλ)
    • because we use unconstrained neural networks to define ϵ θ \epsilon_{\theta} ϵθ, there need not exist any scalar potential whose gradient is $ ϵ θ \epsilon_{\theta} ϵθ ϵ θ \epsilon_{\theta} ϵθ是通过无约束神经网络定义的,不一定存在一个标量势能函数,其梯度恰好等于 ϵ θ \epsilon_{\theta} ϵθ
    • Sampling from the learned diffusion model resembles using Langevin diffusion to sample from a sequence of distributions p ( z λ ) p(z_λ) p(zλ) that converges to the conditional distribution p ( x p(x p(xof the original data x.



diffusion score: ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) ≈ − σ λ ∇ z λ log ⁡ p ( z λ ∣ c ) \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c}) \approx -\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}\operatorname{log}p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c}) ϵθ(zλ,c)σλzλlogp(zλc)

where the diffusion score ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) ≈ − σ λ ∇ z λ log ⁡ p ( z λ ∣ c ) \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c}) \approx -\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}\operatorname{log}p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c}) ϵθ(zλ,c)σλzλlogp(zλc) is modified to include the gradient of the log likelihood of an auxiliary classifier model p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) p_θ(c|z_λ) pθ(czλ) as follows:

ϵ ~ θ ( z λ , c ) = ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) − w σ λ ∇ z λ log ⁡ p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) ≈ − σ λ ∇ z λ [ log ⁡ p ( z λ ∣ c ) + w log ⁡ p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) ] , \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c})=\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c})-w\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}\log p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})\approx-\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}[\log p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})+w\log p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})], ϵ~θ(zλ,c)=ϵθ(zλ,c)wσλzλlogpθ(czλ)σλzλ[logp(zλc)+wlogpθ(czλ)],

  • w:a parameter that controls the strength of the classifier guidance

this modified score ϵ ~ θ ( z λ , c ) \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},c) ϵ~θ(zλ,c) is then used in place of ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) {\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},c) ϵθ(zλ,c)when sampling from the diffusion model, resulting in approximate samples from the distribution:
p ~ θ ( z λ ∣ c ) ∝ p θ ( z λ ∣ c ) p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) w . \tilde{p}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})\propto p_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})^{w}. p~θ(zλc)pθ(zλc)pθ(czλ)w.


As guidance strength is increased, each conditional places probability mass farther away from other classes and towards directions of high confidence given by logistic regression, and most of the mass becomes concentrated in smaller regions. This behavior can be seen as a simplistic manifestation of the Inception score boost and sample diversity decrease that occur when classifier guidance strength is increased in an ImageNet model.

Applying classifier guidance with weight w + 1 w + 1 w+1 to an unconditional model would theoretically lead to the same result as applying classifier guidance with weight w w w to a conditional model

  • because p ~ θ ( z λ ∣ c ) ∝ p θ ( z λ ∣ c ) p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) w ∝ p θ ( z λ ∣ c ) p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) w + 1 . \tilde{p}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})\propto p_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})^{w}\propto p_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})^{w+1}. p~θ(zλc)pθ(zλc)pθ(czλ)wpθ(zλc)pθ(czλ)w+1.;
  • or in terms of scores: ϵ θ ( z λ ) − ( w + 1 ) σ λ ∇ z λ log ⁡ p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) ≈ − σ λ ∇ z λ [ log ⁡ p ( z λ ) + ( w + 1 ) log ⁡ p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) ] = − σ λ ∇ z λ [ log ⁡ p ( z λ ∣ c ) + w log ⁡ p θ ( c ∣ z λ ) ] , \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})-(w+1)\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}\operatorname{log}p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})& \approx-\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}[\operatorname{log}p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})+(w+1)\operatorname{log}p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})] \\ &=-\sigma_{\lambda}\nabla_{\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}}[\log p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})+w\log p_{\theta}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})], \end{aligned} ϵθ(zλ)(w+1)σλzλlogpθ(czλ)σλzλ[logp(zλ)+(w+1)logpθ(czλ)]=σλzλ[logp(zλc)+wlogpθ(czλ)],


  • 联合训练无条件和条件模型:Instead of training a separate classifier model, we choose to train an unconditional denoising diffusion model p θ ( z ) p_θ(z) pθ(z) parameterized through a score estimator ϵ θ ( z λ ) {\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}) ϵθ(zλ) together with the conditional model p θ ( z ∣ c ) p_θ(z|c) pθ(zc)parameterized through ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) {\epsilon}_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},c) ϵθ(zλ,c).
  • Frist,We use a single neural network to parameterize both models,
    • unconditional model: ϵ θ ( z λ ) = ϵ θ ( z λ , c = ∅ ) \epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})=\epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c}=\varnothing) ϵθ(zλ)=ϵθ(zλ,c=).
    • conditional model: ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) \epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},c) ϵθ(zλ,c)
    • We jointly train the unconditional and conditional models simply by randomly setting c to the unconditional class identifier ∅ with some probability puncond, set as a hyperparameter
  • Then we perform sampling using the following linear combination of the conditional and unconditional score estimates:
    ϵ ~ θ ( z λ , c ) = ( 1 + w ) ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) − w ϵ θ ( z λ ) \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_\theta(\mathbf{z}_\lambda,\mathbf{c})=(1+w)\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_\theta(\mathbf{z}_\lambda,\mathbf{c})-w\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_\theta(\mathbf{z}_\lambda) ϵ~θ(zλ,c)=(1+w)ϵθ(zλ,c)wϵθ(zλ)
    • this Eq has no classifier gradient present, so taking a step in the ϵ θ ~ \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}} ϵθ~ direction cannot be interpreted as a gradient-based adversarial attack on an image classifier.
    • Furthermore, ϵ θ ~ \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}} ϵθ~ is constructed from score estimates that are non-conservative vector fields due to the use of unconstrained neural networks,
    • so there in general cannot exist a scalar potential such as a classifier log likelihood for which ϵ θ ~ \tilde{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{\theta}} ϵθ~is the classifier-guided score.
  • Classifier-Free-Guidance VS Classifier-Guidance
    • inspired by the gradient of an implicit classifier p i ( c ∣ z λ ) ∝ p ( z λ ∣ c ) / p ( z λ ) p^{i}(\mathbf{c}|\mathbf{z}_{\lambda})\propto p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}|\mathbf{c})/p(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}) pi(czλ)p(zλc)/p(zλ)
      • If we had access to exact scores ϵ ∗ ( z λ , c ) \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c) ϵ(zλ,c)(of p ( z λ ∣ c ) p(\mathbf{z}_\lambda|c) p(zλc)), ϵ ∗ ( z λ ) \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda) ϵ(zλ)(of p ( z λ ) p(\mathbf{z}_\lambda) p(zλ)),
      • then the gradient of this implicit classifier would be ∇ z λ log ⁡ p i ( c ∣ z λ ) = − 1 σ λ [ ϵ ∗ ( z λ , c ) − ϵ ∗ ( z λ ) ] \nabla_{\mathbf{z}_\lambda} \log p^i(c|\mathbf{z}_\lambda) = -\frac{1}{\sigma_\lambda} [\epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c) - \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda)] zλlogpi(czλ)=σλ1[ϵ(zλ,c)ϵ(zλ)]
      • and classifier guidance with this implicit classifier would modify the score estimate into ϵ ~ ∗ ( z λ , c ) = ( 1 + w ) ϵ ∗ ( z λ , c ) − w ϵ ∗ ( z λ ) \tilde{\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c) = (1 + w) \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c) - w \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda) ϵ~(zλ,c)=(1+w)ϵ(zλ,c)wϵ(zλ)
    • this Eq resembles Eq mentioned above,but they differs
      • The ϵ ~ ∗ ( z λ , c ) ( C l a s s i f i e r − G u i d a n c e ) \tilde{\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c)(Classifier-Guidance) ϵ~(zλ,c)(ClassifierGuidance)is constructed from the scaled classifier gradient ϵ ∗ ( z λ , c ) − ϵ ∗ ( z λ ) \epsilon^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda,\mathbf{c})-\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda) ϵ(zλ,c)ϵ(zλ)
      • the ϵ ∗ ( z λ , c ) ( C l a s s i f i e r − F r e e − G u i d a n c e ) {\epsilon}^*(\mathbf{z}_\lambda, c)(Classifier-Free-Guidance) ϵ(zλ,c)(ClassifierFreeGuidance)is constructed from the estimate ϵ θ ( z λ , c ) − ϵ θ ( z λ ) \epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda},\mathbf{c})-\epsilon_{\theta}(\mathbf{z}_{\lambda}) ϵθ(zλ,c)ϵθ(zλ), and this expression is not in general the (scaled) gradient of any classifier, again because the score estimates are the outputs of unconstrained neural networks.



  1. 实验目的:实验的主要目的是证明无需分类器引导能够实现与分类器引导相似的 FID(Fréchet Inception Distance)和 IS(Inception Score)之间的权衡,并且理解无需分类器引导的行为。

  2. 实验设置:作者在下采样的类条件 ImageNet 数据集上训练了扩散模型。这是研究 FID 和 IS 权衡的标准设置,从 BigGAN 论文开始。

  3. 模型架构和超参数:为了与之前的工作进行公平比较,作者使用了与 Dhariwal & Nichol (2021) 的引导扩散模型相同的模型架构和超参数设置,尽管这些设置是为分类器引导调整的,可能对无需分类器引导不是最优的。

  4. 无需分类器引导的实现:作者展示了无需分类器引导的结果,证明了纯生成扩散模型能够合成与其他类型生成模型可能的极高保真度样本。

  5. 实验结果: 实验结果显示,无需分类器引导能够在 FID 和 IS 之间实现类似的权衡,并且在某些情况下,作者的模型在样本质量指标上与之前的作品相比具有竞争力,有时甚至更优。

  6. 引导强度的调整:

    • 作者通过调整引导强度参数 w w w 来展示在 64x64 和 128x128 类条件 ImageNet 生成中样本质量的影响。实验结果表明,使用较小的引导强度可以获得最佳的 FID 结果,而较强的引导强度可以获得最佳的 IS 结果。
  7. 无条件训练概率的调整:

    • 作者研究了在训练过程中无条件生成的概率 p uncond p_{\text{uncond}} puncond 对样本质量的影响。实验结果表明,较小的 p uncond p_{\text{uncond}} puncond 值(如 0.1 或 0.2)在整个 IS/FID 前沿上的表现优于 p uncond = 0.5 p_{\text{uncond}} = 0.5 puncond=0.5在这里插入图片描述
  8. 采样步骤数量的调整:

    • 作者还研究了采样步骤数量 T T T 对 128x128 ImageNet 模型样本质量的影响。实验结果表明,增加 T T T 可以提高样本质量,但对于该模型, T = 256 T = 256 T=256 在样本质量和采样速度之间取得了良好的平衡。在这里插入图片描述





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在现代商业环境中&#xff0c;移动办公已经成为一种趋势。德国云手机作为一种高效的解决方案&#xff0c;为企业提供了强大的支持。本文将探讨德国云手机如何优化企业的移动办公环境。 一、德国云手机的主要优势 高灵活性 德国云手机具有高度的灵活性&#xff0c;能够根据用户需…


本文主要介绍【屏显MCU】的基本概念&#xff0c;用于开发过程中的理解 以下是图层叠加示例 【屏显MCU】多媒体接口总结 0. 个人简介 && 授权须知1. 三大引擎1.1 【显示引擎】Display Engine1.1.1 【UI】 图层的概念1.1.2 【Video】 图层的概念1.1.3 图层的 Blending 的…


使用Pytorch实现线性回归 基本步骤&#xff1a; 准备数据集设计模型构造损失函数和优化器模型训练 forward计算损失backward计算梯度update更新参数 准备数据集 [ y p r e d ( 1 ) y p r e d ( 2 ) y p r e d ( 3 ) ] ω [ x ( 1 ) x ( 2 ) x ( 3 ) ] b \begin {bmatrix}…

【YashanDB知识库】stmt未close,导致YAS-00103 no free block in sql main pool part 0报错分析

问题现象 问题单&#xff1a;YAS-00103 no free block in sql main pool part 0&#xff0c;YAS-00105 out of memory to allocate hash table of size 256 现象&#xff1a;业务处理sql时&#xff0c;报错YAS-00103 no free block in sql main pool part 0 问题风险及影响…

Springboot 开发之 RestTemplate 简介

一、什么是RestTemplate RestTemplate 是Spring框架提供的一个用于应用中调用REST服务的类。它简化了与HTTP服务的通信&#xff0c;统一了RESTFul的标准&#xff0c;并封装了HTTP连接&#xff0c;我们只需要传入URL及其返回值类型即可。RestTemplate的设计原则与许多其他Sprin…

k8s v1.30 完整安装过程及CNI安装过程总结

博主未授权任何人或组织机构转载博主任何原创文章&#xff0c;感谢各位对原创的支持&#xff01; 博主链接 本人就职于国际知名终端厂商&#xff0c;负责modem芯片研发。 在5G早期负责终端数据业务层、核心网相关的开发工作&#xff0c;目前牵头6G技术研究。 博客内容主要围绕…


免责声明&#xff1a;内容仅供学习参考&#xff0c;请合法利用知识&#xff0c;禁止进行违法犯罪活动&#xff01; 本次游戏没法给 内容参考于&#xff1a;微尘网络安全 工具下载&#xff1a; 链接&#xff1a;https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rEEJnt85npn7N38Ai0_F2Q?pwd6tw3 提…


目录 视图 创建视图&#xff1a; 视图的使用 查看库中所有的视图 删除视图 视图的作用&#xff1a; 存储过程&#xff1a; 为什么使用存储过程&#xff1f; 什么是存储过程&#xff1f; 存储过程的创建 创建一个最简单的存储过程 使用存储过程 删除存储过程 带参的存储…


未来触手可及&#xff1a;智能家居&#xff0c;手机端的全控时代 艾斯视觉的观点是&#xff1a;在不远的将来&#xff0c;家&#xff0c;这个温馨的港湾&#xff0c;将不再只是我们休憩的场所&#xff0c;而是科技与智慧的结晶。想象一下&#xff0c;只需轻触手机屏幕&#xf…


什么是自动化测试&#xff1f;简单来说&#xff0c;自动化测试就是通过重复执行预定义的动作来执行测试用例的系统来代替人工操作。为了充分利用自动化&#xff0c;必须选择正确的自动化测试工具。 一、自动化测试工具有哪些 1、Selenium WEB自动化测试 Selenium是网页应用中最…


文章目录 代码实现java.util.Random类实现随机取数(推荐)java.util.Collections实现(推荐)Java 8 Stream流实现(不推荐) 完整代码参考&#xff08;含测试数据&#xff09; 在Java中&#xff0c;要从给定的数据集合中随机选择一个元素&#xff0c;我们很容易想到可以使用 java.…


一、断点指令BKPT BKPT指令产生软件断点中断&#xff0c;可用于程序的调试。它使处理器停止执行正常指令&#xff08;使处理器中止预取指&#xff09;而进入相应的调试程序。 BKPT指令的格式为&#xff1a;BKPT 16位的立即数 二、使用BKPT进行软件异常定位 假设异常发生后…

electron 网页TodoList应用打包win桌面软件数据持久化

参考&#xff1a; electron 网页TodoList工具打包成win桌面应用exe https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42357472/article/details/140648621 electron直接打包exe应用&#xff0c;打开网页上面添加的task在重启后为空&#xff0c;历史没有被保存&#xff0c;需要持久化工具保存之前…

铠侠最新BiCS8 218L NAND键合技术

随着存储技术的不断演进&#xff0c;Hybrid Bonding&#xff08;混合键合&#xff09;技术正逐渐成为内存和存储应用领域的重要组成部分。TechInsights最近对KIOXIA/WD BiCS8 218L CBA 1 Tb 3D TLC NAND进行了深入分析&#xff0c;揭示了这项技术如何在提高存储密度、降低功耗和…