付费计量应用过程(Payment Metering Application process)

        The Payment Metering Application process is the combination of the business and support
processes as the resultant interactions between the business and support functions, which thus
describes the dynamic behavior of the system as a whole.        


        The Supply Agreement process (1) and the Purchase Agreement process (2) capture the terms and conditions of supply and the terms and conditions of purchase in the customer Contract function.The participating parties are the Supplier and Customer or their legal representatives.


        The Contract function enforces the terms and conditions by means of (依靠用)the Account
Configuration process (3) that instantiates the customer’s account within the Accounting function.
In turn, the Metering Configuration process (4) ensures that the appropriate configuration of
Metering equipment is installed and similarly the Delivery Configuration process (5) ensures that
the appropriate Delivery equipment is installed and configured at the Delivery Configuration
process(5) customer’s premises. Once the customer’s installation is completed, the Connection
( Connection Authorization process (6) ) Authorization process (6) instructs the Distribution function to connect the customer’s meter installation to the distribution network, which takes place by means of the Installation Connection process (9) .
        合同功能模块执行的条款是依靠账户配置过程(3),用户账号在账号功能模块中实例化。反过来,表配置过程(4)保证安装的表具的恰当的配置,相似的,在交付的配置过程(5)保证交付设备安装,配置用户同意的交付配置过程(5)。一旦用户的安装完成,连接验证过程(6) 通知发布功能模
块连接用户安装的表进入分布式网络,这是使用建立联结过程(9)发生的 。

        The Generation function represents the source of the electrical energy supply and the
Transmission Delivery process (7) transfers the electrical energy from the generator to the
transmission grid. The Transmission function makes the electrical energy available at the grid exit
points, where the Distribution Delivery process (8) similarly transfers it to the distribution
network. The Distribution function makes the electrical energy available at the customer’s
premises for connection to the customer’s meter installation.

        NOTE The Supplier function has a commercial relationship with the Customer function and may also have other contractual agreements with the Generation function, Transmission function or Distribution function, but these contracts fall outside the scope of this model and technical report.

        Once the customer’s meter installation is connected to the distribution network the Point Of
Delivery Connection process (10) supplies metered electrical energy to the Delivery function from
where the Customer Delivery process (11) delivers it to the customer’s load circuit.

        The Meter Reading process (12) obtains measurements of the delivered quantities of electrical energy from the Metering function and transfers it to the Accounting function forcalculation and transacting of appropriate charges to the customer’s account.
        电表读取过程 (12) 从表具功能模块获取电能发生数量,并传送它到财务功能模块去计算 交易恰当的费用到用户的账户。

        In a post-payment system the Customer Billing process (13) will issue a request for payment
(or credit) to the customer in the form of a bill or invoice. Whereas in a pre-payment system
the Delivery Regulation process (17) ensures that the quantity of electrical energy that is
delivered to the customer is in accordance with the available credit balance in his account. It
will typically cause the delivery of electrical energy to be interrupted when the available credit
expires and allow it to be restored when the available credit is replenished.

The customer makes a payment by means of the Payment Receipting process (14) and the
Receipt Issuing process (15) provides the customer with a proof of payment, usually in the
form of a transaction receipt. The Credit Transfer process (16) transfers payment credit to the
customer’s account in accordance with the payment amount. In a post-payment system this
may be in the form of a journal entry into a bookkeeping system, while in a pre-p ayment system it is typically in the form of a credit token for transfer to the payment meter by means of a token

        At some point in time the Supplier Settlement process (18) will transfer the receipted
payments to the supplier, which is typically in the form of bank deposits into the supplier’s
bank account.

        The Time Provision process (19) makes date and time information available to the other
system functions where those functions control time-based schedules.The System Testing
process (20) checks and validates the correct working of other system functions.

        The Information Display process (21) facilitates viewing of recorded information by users of the system.


        The Information Recording process (22) facilitates capturing and storing of information and
events within the payment metering system.

        The Data Exchange process (23) moves data elements between functions deployed in system entities over interfaces using defined protocols.

        The Security Enforcement process (24) enforces the security policies onto other relevant
system functions and thus assures the integrity of the payment metering system.

        Each generic process is allocated a class number (1 to 24), according to which all sub-processes are defined, each sub-process thus inheriting its class from its generic parent process.

        Every instance of a process in a particular payment metering system will thus be classified
according to one of the generic process classes.

        It must be noted that because a function is an encapsulated process, the distinction between a function and a process is not always clear and it depends solely on how the definition is formulated. In principle, a function definition is a statement of a capability and a process
definition is a statement of a sequence of tasks or events.





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