grip mode support for spacemacs

Enhancing editing experience with grip-mode in Spacemacs—for live previewing of GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM)


  • What is grip-mode?

    grip-mode is an Emacs package that leverages the Grip tool (a GitHub Readme Instant Previewer) to render Markdown files exactly as they appear on GitHub. It provides live previews in your default web browser, keeping them in sync with your edits in Emacs.

  • Prerequisites:

    • Spacemacs Installed: Ensure you have Spacemacs installed. If not, refer to the official installation guide.
    • Python Installed: grip-mode relies on the Grip Python package.
    • Basic Familiarity with Spacemacs Configuration: Understanding how to modify your .spacemacs file is beneficial.

Step-by-Step Integration

1. Install the Grip Python Package

Before integrating grip-mode into Spacemacs, you need to install the Grip tool itself.

  1. Ensure You Have Python and pip Installed:

    Verify that Python (preferably Python 3) and pip are installed:

    python3 --version
    pip3 --version

    If not installed, download Python from the official website or use your system’s package manager.

  2. Install Grip Using pip:

    Install Grip globally:

    pip3 install grip

    Alternatively, for user-specific installation without requiring administrative privileges:

    pip3 install --user grip
  3. Verify Installation:

    Ensure Grip is installed correctly by checking its version:

    grip --version

2. Configure Spacemacs to Use grip-mode

grip-mode is not included in Spacemacs by default. You’ll need to install and configure it manually.

  1. Open Your .spacemacs Configuration File:

    You can open it from within Spacemacs:

    SPC f e d
  2. Add grip-mode to the dotspacemacs-additional-packages:

    Locate the dotspacemacs-additional-packages section and add grip-mode:

    dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(grip-mode)


  3. Optionally, Enable the markdown Layer:

    While not strictly necessary, enabling the markdown layer can provide enhanced Markdown support alongside grip-mode.

    In the dotspacemacs-configuration-layers section, ensure markdown is included:

    '(;; ... other layersmarkdown)
  4. Initialize grip-mode in Your Configuration:

    Below the dotspacemacs/user-config function, add the setup for grip-mode:

    (defun dotspacemacs/user-config ();; Other configurations...;; Ensure grip-mode is loaded(use-package grip-mode:ensure t:hook (markdown-mode . grip-mode):config;; Optional: Set Grip server port or other settings(setq grip-server-port 6419grip-preview-use-webkit t));; Optional: Keybindings for Grip commands(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'markdown-mode"gp" 'grip-mode) ;; Toggle Grip mode

    Explanation of Configuration:

    • use-package grip-mode: Ensures that grip-mode is installed and configured.
    • :hook (markdown-mode . grip-mode): Activates grip-mode automatically when entering markdown-mode.
    • grip-server-port: Sets the port for the Grip server. Default is 6419, but you can change it if needed.
    • grip-preview-use-webkit: If set to t, uses WebKit for preview rendering. This requires webkitgtk or similar dependencies on your system. Set to nil to use the default browser.
    • Keybindings: Assigns a leader key shortcut (SPC m g p in this case) to toggle grip-mode.
  5. Synchronize and Reload Configuration:

    After saving the .spacemacs file:

    • Update Packages:

      Open Spacemacs and refresh the package list:

      SPC f e R

      This command reloads your configuration and installs any new packages.

3. Using grip-mode in Spacemacs

Once configured, using grip-mode is straightforward.

  1. Open a Markdown File:

    Navigate to your desired Markdown (.md or .markdown) file:

    SPC f f path/to/your/
  2. Activate grip-mode:

    If you set up the hook correctly, grip-mode should activate automatically. If not, you can toggle it manually:

    SPC m g p

    Alternatively, use the command:

    M-x grip-mode
  3. Preview Your Markdown:

    Once grip-mode is active, it will start a Grip server and open your default web browser to display the rendered Markdown as it appears on GitHub. Any changes you make to the Markdown file in Spacemacs will automatically refresh the preview in the browser.

  4. Stopping the Grip Server:

    To stop the Grip server and close the preview, toggle grip-mode off:

    SPC m g p

    Or execute:

    M-x grip-mode

4. Advanced Configuration (Optional)

Enhance your grip-mode experience with additional configurations.

  1. Customizing the Preview Browser:

    By default, grip-mode opens the system’s default web browser. To specify a particular browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome), you can customize the browse-url settings in your .spacemacs:

    (setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-genericbrowse-url-generic-program "firefox") ;; or "google-chrome", etc.
  2. Setting a Different Server Port:

    If port 6419 is occupied or you prefer another port:

    (setq grip-server-port 6500)
  3. Authentication for Private Repositories:

    If you’re previewing Markdown from a private GitHub repository, ensure that Grip is authenticated. You might need to set up GitHub tokens or SSH keys as per Grip’s documentation.

  4. Integrating with markdown-mode Customizations:

    If you have custom settings for markdown-mode, ensure they don’t conflict with grip-mode. For example, setting specific markdown-command options or export preferences.

5. Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues while setting up or using grip-mode in Spacemacs, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify Grip Installation:

    Ensure that Grip is installed and accessible from your system’s PATH:

    grip --version

    If Emacs cannot locate the Grip executable, you may need to add its directory to your exec-path:

    (add-to-list 'exec-path "/path/to/grip/executable")

    Alternatively, specify the full path to the Grip executable in your configuration:

    (setq grip-github-password "your-password") ;; If necessary
    (setq grip-github-user "your-username")
  2. Check for Package Conflicts:

    Other packages or layers that modify markdown-mode behavior might interfere with grip-mode. Temporarily disable them to identify conflicts.

  3. Enable Debugging:

    Start Emacs with debug mode to capture errors:

    emacs --debug-init

    This will provide detailed backtraces if something goes wrong during initialization.

  4. Review *Messages* Buffer:

    Check the *Messages* buffer for any error messages related to grip-mode:

    SPC b m
  5. Consult Logs and Documentation:

    • Grip Mode GitHub Repository: grip-mode on GitHub
    • Grip GitHub Repository: Grip on GitHub
    • Spacemacs Documentation: Spacemacs Layers

6. Alternative: Using markdown-preview-mode or Other Preview Tools

While grip-mode provides GitHub-flavored previews, you might also consider alternative Markdown preview tools compatible with Spacemacs, such as:

  • markdown-preview-mode: Renders Markdown in a browser or within Emacs using WebKit. It’s simpler but may not match GitHub’s rendering as closely.

  • grip-mode Benefits:

    • Accurate GitHub representation.
    • Ideal for preparing documentation that will be hosted on GitHub.


Integrating grip-mode into Spacemacs enriches your Markdown editing workflow by providing real-time, GitHub-aligned previews. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up a seamless environment where your Markdown documents are instantly visible as they would appear on GitHub, enhancing both productivity and accuracy.

Feel free to customize the configuration further to suit your specific needs, and explore other Spacemacs layers and packages to complement your Markdown editing experience.

If you encounter challenges or have specific requirements, consult the respective Spacemacs, grip-mode, and Grip documentation for more detailed guidance.

Happy Markdown editing!





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