每日英语听力 Day3

And yet today over 10 years later. I’m still in the process of learning Spanish. Not actively, I'm=>do not actively study Spanish. However, I’m constantly learning new things new words. There are things I don’t understand and there are things I misunderstand There are things that I need people to repeat because I didn’t get it. and I make mistakes all the time.

All of these is what i deal with. and I have been speaking Spanish for over a decade and living->I have lived in the country for many years. My wife only speaks in Spanish to me and yet I’m still improving I still make mistakes I still have an accent. I still don’t sound like->\ anything like a native speaker, etc. So, just know that learning a language is->takes a really a long time in terms of getting to a very high level.

Of course you can reach at->\ an intermidiate level in a pretty short period of time if you decidate a lot of hour to it. And even you can even reach an advanced level in a relative short period of time depending on your motivation and how many hours you dedicate->are dedicating in that->to it. However, when your goal is to become really good at a language that is inevitably gonna take along time.

When I say that something is inevitably->inevitable, what I’m saying is that it's unavoidable. So there is no way to avoid this if you want to reach a really high level in English. Then that’s gonna take a really long time. okay, that should be->is just how it is.

we need to be patient. and similarly, in->\ another situation, in which we need patience is when we are ready->trying to achieve a goal. Learning a language is one goal. That’s one example. But when we want to achieve any goal. we need patience. If you want to lose weight that’s not gonna happen tommorrow. You can’t just expect that to happen in 24 hours. you need to stick with it for a certain period of time before you actually see the->these results.

By the way, the phrase stick to it just means that you continue doing something. So you need to stick with it and be patient and eventually you’ll see results, but not overnight. The word overnight refers to from one day to the next.

you are not gonna see the result->results in just one day. you need to have a little more patience in it -> than that. or if your goal is to learn some new skill. May be you want to learn a programming language or something like that. That’s not gonna happen overnight. you need patience, you need to accept that it's->this is gonna take some times. and eventually you’ll reach your goal. Right? if you stick with it. But patience is neccessary when we set goals and we want to achieve theses goals.

And another situation that requires a lot of patience is when we are going through government processes. This is probably the worst one for me, this is the thing that is the most frustrating and tests my patience at most. When I’m going through the->a government process. And the government takes a long time to do the process and respond to me or to do what they need to do. this can be really frustrating.

I need to have more patience when it comes to this. Because this is inevitable, we all deal with these proceese. We all live in countries that have a=>\ governments that are not efficient and not very well-run and are not the best institutions with the best customer service and all of that. All of us are in this situation regrad of what country you are living->live in. So we need to have patience and know that these processes are gonna take a while and we can’t do that much to influence it->this.

So when my wife was going through an->the emigration process, to live in the US, that takes->took a long time, this took multiple years so this is->was something that required a lot of patience and at times it thought->felt like it was never gonna end. But of course, it did. And we got through the process and everything is okay, now. But during that period it’s hard to have patience sometime. That was some thing that really told->taught me to just wait and to not allow things that I can’t control to negatively impact my life and my daily life and my mood. I need it->needed to kind of not focus on this process and just leave->live my life be patient and wait. So that was a big one.

And one more situation that i want to mention probably the most important one the most important situation in which we need patience is when you are parenting. you have kid, When you have kids, your level of patience is tested and->in a way unlike anything else, so you are dealing with small people humans that have not learned to act properly behave well communicate effectively they don’t know this yet. they don’t have these skills especially at young ages.

So if you don’t have patience this is gonna to be very hard for you. you are gonna to deal with a lot situations in which you are annnoyed or irritated or you feel desperate because you know somethings need to be but your kid doesn’t. They don’;'t know these or they do the opposite. or they do a lot of things they->that can possibly irritate us and affect our mood and they can cause us to lose our cool, sometimes.

We need to be careful with these->this And we need to exercise patience and to really understand the kids need instruction and discipline and they need time. they need time to learn these things to learn how to behave properly. learn how to communicate learn how to express their feelings in a good and a->\ normal way.

They need time before they can do all of these->this effectively. So we can’t expect them to just be bored->born with these skills. That is simply not reality and as a parent, patience is neccessary you need to understand that these processes need to take a long time. These kids will need a long time before they really learn all of these lessons and they can do things the way you can do them as an adult.

So for me that’s probably the most important situation in which patience is definitely required. So those are some different situations but there are plenty of others. I hope this episode was interested->interesting for you and hopefully it got you thinking a little bit about your patience levels and may be it can inspire all of us to be a little more patient and if you feel ready to practice real conversations between native speakers then make sure to sign up for my us conversation podcast. The link is in the descriptiong below this episode.

You’ll love this this conversations are really interesting and is a->it's great practice to->for your listening, so make sure to sign up that is patreon.com/us conversations and if you wanna join my member ship and get my specialized traning for your listening and your pronouncication and my advanced podcast episodes then make sure to join my membership that’s patreon.com/listeningtime and if your a Spanish or Portuguess speaker and you want to read fiction in English then checkout my e-book, the links are also down below. And if you like this episode I really appreciate it if you share it with everyone you know who is learning English it really helps me out an dplease give it a 5 star rating and write a review .

Alright thank you for listening to this episode And I will talk to you in the next episode of listening time.




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